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Teachers’ Creativity in Posing Statistical Problems from Discrete Data




Choosing a quality problem in mathematics is a challenge for many teachers. Teachers cannot rely on textbooks for good problems. They have to be able to pose their own problems in order to promote mathematical thinking among students. This study was conducted to explore the creativity of 175 teachers in terms of fluency, flexibility, and originality in posing statistical problems. Participants consisted of secondary school teachers from twenty schools in Peninsular Malaysia. Teaching experience was ranged from 1 to 33 years. The features of the problems posed by these teachers were also studied. The participants were provided a stimulus, which was a set of ungrouped discrete data, and they were asked to pose as many problems as they could. The posed statistical problems were supposed to promote mathematical thinking and to increase students’ understanding. Findings showed that participants were able to pose a total of 270 (74%) statistical problems within the time given. The mean of the creativity score was 11.08 (s.d. = 6.76). Analysis showed no significant difference in creativity between gender and the value of t = –.346, p = .73, where p > .05. Analysis showed significant differences in the teachers’ creativity scores for three groups of teachers: F (2172) = 6.83, p = .001, p < .05.The results also showed that 115 (31.5%) posed problems focuses on the statistical content measure of central tendency. The study provided expo- sure to the teachers to pose problems that can trigger students’ thinking in solving statistical problems.
机译:对于许多教师来说,选择数学中的质量问题是一个挑战。教师不能依靠教科书来解决好问题。他们必须能够提出自己的问题,以便在学生中促进数学思维。进行这项研究是为了探讨175名教师在提出统计问题时的流畅性,灵活性和独创性方面的创造力。参加者包括马来西亚半岛二十所学校的中学教师。教学经验为1至33年。还研究了这些教师提出的问题的特征。为参与者提供了刺激,这是一组未分组的离散数据,并且要求他们提出尽可能多的问题。提出的统计问题本应促进数学思维并增进学生的理解。研究结果表明,参与者能够在给定的时间内提出总计270个(74%)统计问题。创造力得分的平均值是11.08(标准误= 6.76)。分析表明,性别与t = –.346,p = .73,其中p> .05的值之间的创造力无显着差异。分析显示三组教师的教师创造力得分存在显着差异:F(2172)= 6.83,p = .001,p <.05。结果还显示115个问题(31.5 %)集中在统计上集中趋势的内容度量。该研究向教师提供了暴露问题的机会,这些问题可能触发学生解决统计问题的思维。



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