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Off-pump versus on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting: comparative effectiveness




Background: Historically, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with the use of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), referred to as on-pump CABG, has been regarded as the “gold standard”. However, in recent years, it has been increasingly recognized that the systemic inflammatory response associated with using CPB contributes substantially to postoperative organ dysfunction. Intuitively, performance of CABG without CPB, referred to as off-pump CABG, should translate into improved clinical outcomes. Interestingly, no single randomized trial has been able to prove the superiority of off-pump CABG over on-pump CABG for all hard outcomes, and off-pump CABG remains the subject of intense scrutiny as well as controversy. The purpose of the review is to summarize the current best available evidence, comparing the effectiveness of off- and on-pump CABG. Methods: The English language scientific literature was reviewed primarily by searching MEDLINE from January 2010 to December 2014 using PubMed interface to identify meta-analyses and systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials as well as observational studies using propensity score matching, comparing the effectiveness of off- and on-pump CABG. Results: Current best available evidence from meta-analyses and systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials as well as propensity score analyses suggests that off-pump CABG is associated with fewer distal anastomoses, increased repeat revascularization rates, and poor saphenous vein graft patency compared with on-pump CABG. No significant differences were observed for other hard outcomes including mortality, myocardial infarction, and stroke. Conclusion: Off-pump CABG compared to on-pump CABG is associated with similar short-, mid-, and long-term mortality, comparable organ protection, and fewer distal anastomoses. The concerns about the safety and efficacy of off-pump CABG are not substantiated by the current best available evidence. However, the impact of learning curve on outcomes remains a valid issue.
机译:背景:从历史上看,使用体外循环(CPB)的冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)被称为“泵上CABG”,已被视为“黄金标准”。但是,近年来,人们越来越认识到与使用CPB相关的全身性炎症反应在很大程度上导致了术后器官功能障碍。凭直觉,不使用CPB的CABG的性能(称为非体外循环CABG)应转化为改善的临床结果。有趣的是,没有一项随机试验能够证明在所有困难的结果中,非体外循环CABG优于非体外循环CABG,非体外循环CABG仍然是受到严格审查和争议的主题。审查的目的是总结当前最好的证据,比较非体外循环和循环体外CABG的有效性。方法:主要通过检索2010年1月至2014年12月的MEDLINE(使用PubMed界面)来识别英语科学文献,以鉴定荟萃分析和对随机对照试验以及观察性研究(使用倾向性得分匹配)的系统评价,比较非处方药的有效性。和泵上CABG。结果:从荟萃分析和对随机对照试验的系统评价以及倾向评分分析中获得的最新最佳证据表明,与开腹手术相比,非体外循环CABG与更少的远端吻合,重复血运重建率增加以及大隐静脉移植通畅性差相关。 -泵CABG。其他硬结局,包括死亡率,心肌梗塞和中风,未见明显差异。结论:与泵上CABG相比,泵外CABG与相似的短期,中期和长期死亡率,相当的器官保护和更少的远端吻合相关。当前最好的证据不足以证明对非体外循环CABG的安全性和有效性的担忧。但是,学习曲线对结果的影响仍然是一个有效的问题。



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