首页> 外文期刊>Biology Open >Potassium fertilization arrests malate accumulation and alters soluble sugar metabolism in apple fruit

Potassium fertilization arrests malate accumulation and alters soluble sugar metabolism in apple fruit




Effects of different potassium (K) levels, which were K0 (no fertilizer), K1 (71.5?g KCl plant?1year?1), K2 (286.7?g KCl plant?1year?1), and K3 (434?g KCl plant?1year?1), were evaluated based on sugar and organic acid metabolism levels from 70–126?days after bloom (DAB) in the developing fruit of potted five-year-old apple (Malus domestica, Borkh.) trees. The results indicate that K fertilization promoted greater fruit mass, higher Ca2+and soluble solid levels, and lower titratable acid levels, as well as increased pH values at harvest. With the application of different levels of K fertilizer, fructose, sorbitol, glucose and sucrose accumulation rates significantly changed during fruit development. Fruit in the K2 group had higher fructose, sucrose and glucose levels than those in other treatment groups at 126 DAB. These changes in soluble sugar are related to the activity of metabolic enzymes. Sucrose synthase (SS) and sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH) activity in the K2 treated fruit was significantly higher than those in other treatment groups from 70–126 DAB. Malate levels in K-supplemented fruit were notably lower than those in non K-supplemented fruit, and K3 treated fruit had the lowest malate levels during fruit development. Cytosolic malic enzyme (ME) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) activity significantly increased in fruit under the K2 treatment during 112–126 DAB and 98–126 DAB, respectively. In addition, Ca2+concentration increased with increasing K fertilization levels, which promoted a maximum of 11.72?mg?g?1dry weight in apple fruit. These results show that K levels can alter soluble sugar and malate levels due to the interaction between sugars and acid-metabolic enzymes in fruit.
机译:不同钾水平的影响,分别为:K0(不施肥),K1(71.5?g KCl植物?1年?1),K2(286.7?g KCl植物?1年?1)和K3(434?g KCl)根据盆栽的5岁苹果(Malus domestica,Borkh。)发育期果实开花(DAB)后70-126天(DAB)的糖和有机酸代谢水平,对植物的“ 1年1年”进行了评估。结果表明,钾肥可促进更大的果实质量,更高的Ca2 +和可溶性固形物含量,更低的可滴定酸含量以及收获时的pH值升高。施用不同水平的钾肥后,果实发育过程中果糖,山梨糖醇,葡萄糖和蔗糖的积累速率发生了显着变化。 K2组的水果在126 DAB时具有比其他处理组更高的果糖,蔗糖和葡萄糖水平。可溶性糖的这些变化与代谢酶的活性有关。在K2处理的果实中,蔗糖合酶(SS)和山梨糖醇脱氢酶(SDH)的活性显着高于70-126 DAB的其他处理组。补充钾的水果中的苹果酸含量显着低于未补充钾的水果,而K3处理的水果在果实发育期间的苹果酸含量最低。在K2处理下,果实的胞质苹果酸酶(ME)和磷酸烯醇丙酮酸羧激酶(PEPCK)活性分别在112–126 DAB和98–126 DAB期间显着增加。此外,Ca 2+浓度随着钾肥水平的增加而增加,从而促进了苹果果实最大干重为11.72 mgmg g g 1。这些结果表明,由于水果中糖与酸代谢酶之间的相互作用,钾水平可以改变可溶性糖和苹果酸水平。



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