首页> 外文期刊>Biology Open >Foraging at wastewater treatment works affects brown adipose tissue fatty acid profiles in banana bats

Foraging at wastewater treatment works affects brown adipose tissue fatty acid profiles in banana bats




In this study we tested the hypothesis that the decrease in habitat quality at wastewater treatment works (WWTW), such as limited prey diversity and exposure to the toxic cocktail of pollutants, affect fatty acid profiles of interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBrAT) in bats. Further, the antioxidant capacity of oxidative tissues such as pectoral and cardiac muscle may not be adequate to protect those tissues against reactive molecules resulting from polyunsaturated fatty acid auto-oxidation in the WWTW bats. Bats were sampled at two urban WWTW, and two unpolluted reference sites in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Brown adipose tissue (BrAT) mass was lower in WWTW bats than in reference site bats. We found lower levels of saturated phospholipid fatty acids and higher levels of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids in WWTW bats than in reference site bats, while C18 desaturation and n-6 to n-3 ratios were higher in the WWTW bats. This was not associated with high lipid peroxidation levels in pectoral and cardiac muscle. Combined, these results indicate that WWTW bats rely on iBrAT as an energy source, and opportunistic foraging on abundant, pollutant-tolerant prey may change fatty acid profiles in their tissue, with possible effects on mitochondrial functioning, torpor and energy usage.
机译:在这项研究中,我们测试了以下假设:污水处理厂(WWTW)的栖息地质量下降,例如有限的猎物多样性和暴露于污染物的有毒混合物,会影响蝙蝠inter间棕褐色脂肪组织(iBrAT)的脂肪酸谱。此外,氧化组织(如胸肌和心肌)的抗氧化能力可能不足以保护这些组织免受WWTW蝙蝠中多不饱和脂肪酸自氧化产生的反应性分子的伤害。在南非的夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省的两个城市污水处理厂和两个未污染的参考点取样了蝙蝠。 WWTW蝙蝠的棕色脂肪组织(BrAT)质量低于参考部位的蝙蝠。我们发现WWTW蝙蝠中的饱和磷脂脂肪酸含量较低,单和多不饱和脂肪酸含量更高,而参考地点蝙蝠中C18的去饱和度和n-6与n-3比率更高。这与胸肌和心肌中脂质过氧化水平高无关。综合起来,这些结果表明,WWTW蝙蝠依靠iBrAT作为能源,机会性觅食丰富的,耐污染的猎物可能会改变其组织中的脂肪酸谱,并可能影响线粒体功能,玉米粥和能量消耗。



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