首页> 外文期刊>Clinical medicine: journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London >Opinions of the ePortfolio and workplace-based assessments: a survey of core medical trainees and their supervisors

Opinions of the ePortfolio and workplace-based assessments: a survey of core medical trainees and their supervisors




Since the introduction of Modernising Medical Careers in 2005, the electronic portfolio (ePortfolio) and workplace based assessments (WPBAs) have become integral, yet anecdotally controversial, components of postgraduate medical training. In this multi-centre, survey-based study, we looked at core medical trainees and trainers in the Northwest London region and their opinions of the ePortfolio and WPBAs. Our results demonstrate mixed feelings regarding these tools, with 60% of trainees stating that their training had not benefited from the use of an ePortfolio. 53% of trainers felt that feedback sessions with their trainees were useful; however 70% of them cited difficulties in fitting the required number of assessments within their clinical schedule. Overall, if implemented correctly, the ePortfolio and WPBAs are potentially powerful tools in the education and development of trainee doctors. However, improvements in mentoring and feedback may be needed to experience the full benefits of this system.
机译:自2005年引入“现代化医疗职业”以来,电子档案袋(ePortfolio)和基于工作场所的评估(WPBA)已成为研究生医学培训不可或缺的组成部分,但存在争议。在这项基于调查的多中心研究中,我们研究了伦敦西北地区的核心医学实习生和培训师,以及他们对ePortfolio和WPBA的看法。我们的结果表明,对这些工具的看法不一,有60%的受训者表示他们的培训没有从使用ePortfolio中受益。 53%的培训师认为与他们的受训者进行反馈会议很有用;然而,其中有70%的人认为难以在其临床时间表内适应所需的评估数量。总体而言,如果实施正确,ePortfolio和WPBA可能是培训和培训实习医生的强大工具。但是,可能需要改进指导和反馈以体验该系统的全部好处。



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