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The Quebec Respiratory Health Education Network: Integrating a model of self-management education in COPD primary care




The objective of this study is to evaluate whether a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) self-management education program with coaching of a case manager improves patient-related outcomes and leads to practice changes in primary care. COPD patients from six family medicine clinics (FMCs) participated in a 1-year educational program offered by trained case managers who focused on treatment adherence, inhaler techniques, smoking cessation, and the use of an action plan for exacerbations. Health-care utilization, health-related quality of life (HRQL), treatment adherence, inhaler technique, and COPD knowledge were assessed at each visit with validated questionnaires. We also evaluated whether the use of spirometry and the assessment of individual patient needs led to a more COPD-targeted treatment by primary care physicians, based on changes in prescriptions for COPD (medication, immunization, and written action plan). Fifty-four patients completed the follow-up visits and were included in the analysis. The number of unscheduled physician visits went from 40 the year before intervention to 17 after 1 year of educational intervention (p = 0.033). Emergency room visits went from five to two and hospitalizations from two to three (NS). Significant improvements were observed in HRQL (p = 0.0001), treatment adherence (p = 0.025), adequate inhaler technique (p p < 0.001). Primary care physicians increased their prescriptions for long-acting bronchodilators with/without inhaled corticosteroid, flu immunizations, and COPD action plans in the event patient had an exacerbation. The COPD self-management educational intervention in FMCs reduced unscheduled visits to the clinic and improved patients’ quality of life, self-management skills, and knowledge. The program had a positive impact on COPD-related practices by primary care physicians in the FMCs.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估在病例经理的指导下进行的慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)自我管理教育计划是否可以改善患者相关的结局并导致初级保健实践的改变。来自六个家庭医学诊所(FMC)的COPD患者参加了由受过训练的病例管理员提供的为期1年的教育计划,他们专注于治疗依从性,吸入器技术,戒烟和使用急性发作的行动计划。每次访问时均使用经过验证的问卷调查评估了卫生保健的利用率,与健康相关的生活质量(HRQL),治疗依从性,吸入技术和COPD知识。我们还根据COPD处方(药物治疗,免疫接种和书面行动计划)的变化,评估了肺活量测定法的使用和对患者个人需求的评估是否导致初级保健医生对COPD的治疗更有针对性。五十四名患者完成了随访,并被纳入分析。计划外的就诊次数从干预前的40年增加到教育干预1年后的17次(p = 0.033)。急诊就诊次数从五次增加到两次,住院次数从两次增加到三次(NS)。在HRQL(p = 0.0001),治疗依从性(p = 0.025),适当的吸入器技术(p p <0.001)方面观察到显着改善。初级保健医生增加了长效支气管扩张剂的处方,以增加/不吸入皮质类固醇激素,流感疫苗的免疫接种,以及一旦患者病情加重,COPD行动计划。 FMC中的COPD自我管理教育干预减少了计划外的就诊次数,并提高了患者的生活质量,自我管理技能和知识。该计划对FMC中的初级保健医生对COPD相关做法产生了积极影响。



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