首页> 外文期刊>Chronic diseases and injuries in Canada. >Self-management of mood and/or anxiety disorders through physical activity/exercise

Self-management of mood and/or anxiety disorders through physical activity/exercise




Introduction: Physical activity/exercise is regarded as an important self-management strategy for individuals with mental illness. The purpose of this study was to describe individuals with mood and/or anxiety disorders who were exercising or engaging in physical activity to help manage their disorders versus those who were not, and the facilitators for and barriers to engaging in physical activity/exercise.Methods: For this study, we used data from the 2014 Survey on Living with Chronic Diseases in Canada-Mood and Anxiety Disorders Component. Selected respondents (n = 2678) were classified according to the frequency with which they exercised: (1) did not exercise; (2) exercised 1 to 3 times a week; or (3) exercised 4 or more times a week. We performed descriptive and multinomial multiple logistic regression analyses. Estimates were weighted to represent the Canadian adult household population living in the 10 provinces with diagnosed mood and/or anxiety disorders. Results: While 51.0% of the Canadians affected were not exercising to help manage their mood and/or anxiety disorders, 23.8% were exercising from 1 to 3 times a week, and 25.3% were exercising 4 or more times a week. Increasing age and decreasing levels of education and household income adequacy were associated with increasing prevalence of physical inactivity. Individuals with a mood disorder (with or without anxiety) and those with physical comorbidities were less likely to exercise regularly. The most important factor associated with engaging in physical activity/exercise was to have received advice to do so by a physician or other health professional. The most frequently cited barriers for not exercising at least once a week were as follows: prevented by physical condition (27.3%), time constraints/too busy (24.1%) and lack of will power/self-discipline (15.8%). Conclusion: Even though physical activity/exercise has been shown beneficial for depression and anxiety symptoms, a large proportion of those with mood and/or anxiety disorders did not exercise regularly, particularly those affected by mood disorders and those with physical comorbidities. It is essential that health professionals recommend physical activity/exercise to their patients, discuss barriers and support their engagement.
机译:简介:体育活动/运动被认为是精神疾病患者的重要自我管理策略。这项研究的目的是描述患有情绪和/或焦虑症的人正在锻炼或从事体育锻炼以帮助管理他们的疾病与非体育锻炼的人以及从事体育锻炼/锻炼的促进者和障碍。 :对于本研究,我们使用了2014年“加拿大情绪和焦虑症慢性病患者调查”中的数据。选定的受访者(n = 2678)根据其锻炼的频率进行分类:(1)不锻炼; (2)每周锻炼1至3次;或(3)每周运动4次或以上。我们执行了描述性和多项式多元逻辑回归分析。加权估计值代表生活在10个省份中的患有情绪和/或焦虑症的加拿大成年人口。结果:虽然受影响的加拿大人中有51.0%的人不锻炼以帮助控制他们的情绪和/或焦虑症,但23.8%的人每周锻炼1至3次,而25.3%的人每周锻炼4次以上。年龄的增长,教育水平的下降和家庭收入的充足与运动不足的患病率增加有关。有情绪障碍(有或没有焦虑症)的人和有身体合并症的人很少定期运动。与从事体育活动/运动有关的最重要因素是已获得医师或其他卫生专业人员的建议。经常被禁止每周至少锻炼一次的障碍如下:身体状况(27.3%),时间限制/过于忙碌(24.1%)和意志力不足/自律(15.8%)阻止了这种情况。结论:尽管体育活动/锻炼已显示出对抑郁和焦虑症状有益,但大部分有情绪和/或焦虑症的人并未定期锻炼,特别是受情绪障碍和身体合并症影响的人。卫生专业人员必须向患者推荐体育锻炼/运动,讨论障碍并支持他们的参与。



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