This study has a qualitative character and aims to analyze the educational praxis of male nurses of the Family Health Strategy in the city of Sobral, Ceará, Brazil. T'/> Health educational praxis of the male nurses of the Family Health Strategy
首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >Health educational praxis of the male nurses of the Family Health Strategy

Health educational praxis of the male nurses of the Family Health Strategy




> size="2" face="Verdana">This study has a qualitative character and aims to analyze the educational praxis of male nurses of the Family Health Strategy in the city of Sobral, Ceará, Brazil. The data was collected using semi-structured interviews applied to 16 male nurses, besides the observation of this group. All data was organized using the collective subject discourse technique. The dialectic hermeneutic was adopted as a theoretical-methodological referential. We conclude that, in a hegemonic way, the educational processes in health are graded in a behaviorist approach, eminently preventive, in which strategies and resources favor the unidirectionality and non-dialogical of the process. In spite of that, we identified a critical-reflexive movement among male nurses, in the sense of questioning the way of how the educational processes are developed. Anti-hegemonic actions were also evidenced, like the use of educational methods graded in the community's needs and real problems, in which the subjects of approach are built in a horizontal way and in partnership with the community. Thus, the findings of this study show a tension between two educational models: the traditional and the dialogical.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana”>该研究具有定性特征,旨在分析巴西塞阿拉州Sobral市家庭健康战略男护士的教育实践。除对该组进行观察外,还使用针对16位男护士的半结构化访谈收集了数据。所有数据都是使用集体主题话语技术组织的。辩证法诠释学被用作理论-方法论的参照。我们得出的结论是,以霸权主义的方式,以行为主义的方式(主要是预防性的)对健康的教育过程进行分级,其中策略和资源有利于过程的单向性和非对话性。尽管如此,从对教育过程如何发展的方式提出质疑的意义上,我们确定了男护士中的一项临界反身运动。还证明了反霸权行动,例如使用了根据社区需求和实际问题分级的教育方法,其中以横向方式并与社区合作建立了方法主题。因此,这项研究的结果显示了两种教育模式之间的张力:传统的和对话的。



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