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Scientific research about the National Policy for Health Promotion




The objective of this study was to assess the level of knowledge and systematization of scientific research linked to the National Health Promotion Policy (PNPS) ten years after its implementation. A scientometric study was conducted of the national and international scientific literature about the PNPS using the PubMed and SciELO databases. The study was carried out in the month of December 2015, using the phrase a€?national health promotion policya€? which resulted in the identification of 88 publications related to the PNPS. The years 2012 and 2013 had the greatest number of articles published, identifying the National Policy on Diet and Nutrition and the theme of Oral Health as the most studied subjects. The states of S?£o Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and the Federal District stood out for the quantity and quality of scientific production, which was mostly published in international journals classified in the Qualis A2 stratum. The policies of Emergency Care, Maternal-Infant Health, and Adolescent Health were the themes least explored. Although scientific research has contributed to the application of technical and scientific knowledge in the promotion of health, the underexplored sectors may hinder the design and reformulation of strategic actions for addressing health inequities in subsequent decades.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估与国家健康促进政策(PNPS)实施十年后相关的知识水平和科学研究的系统化。使用PubMed和SciELO数据库对PNPS的国家和国际科学文献进行了科学计量研究。该研究于2015年12月进行,使用了“国家健康促进政策”一词。结果确定了与PNPS相关的88种出版物。 2012年和2013年发表的文章最多,确定了饮食和营养国家政策以及以口腔健康为主题的研究最多。圣保罗州,里约热内卢州和联邦区在科学生产的数量和质量上脱颖而出,这些产品和出版物大多发表在Qualis A2阶层的国际期刊上。紧急护理,母婴保健和青少年保健的政策是主题最少的主题。尽管科学研究促进了技术和科学知识在促进健康方面的应用,但开发不足的部门可能会阻碍随后几十年中解决卫生不平等问题的战略行动的设计和重新制定。



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