The sorology for HIV in woman and rapid HIV testing in maternity hospitals must be carried with pre and pos-test counseling. However, it has be'/> Counseling in HIV testing in the pre and post labor periods: the look of the integrality
首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >Counseling in HIV testing in the pre and post labor periods: the look of the integrality

Counseling in HIV testing in the pre and post labor periods: the look of the integrality




> size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The sorology for HIV in woman and rapid HIV testing in maternity hospitals must be carried with pre and pos-test counseling. However, it has been observed that the counseling has not been accomplished by many health professionals, who give more importance to the prophylactic measures which intend to prevent vertical transmission. The objective of this qualitative study is to investigate how women evaluate the health care received during the HIV testing at pre and post-labor periods. For this paper the look of woman about counseling in the process of HIV testing was cut. We used gender and integrality as analytic categories. The technique used to collect data was the semi-structured interview, carried out in women seen at the CTA for diagnostic conclusion. The testing lost its specificity through its inclusion in the clinical practice as a routine without a counseling in any stages of the care during pre and post labor periods. The relationship between users and professionals reflect power mechanisms that compromise the autonomy of women, distancing the care from the perspective of the integrality.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif”>女性的艾滋病毒血清学和妇产科医院的艾滋病毒快速检测必须在事前和事后检测咨询中进行。然而,已经观察到许多健康专业人士还没有完成咨询工作,他们更加重视旨在防止垂直传播的预防措施。这项定性研究的目的是调查在产前和产后妇女在HIV检测期间妇女如何评估接受的医疗保健。在本文中,女性在艾滋病毒检测过程中的咨询态度被削减。我们使用性别和完整性作为分析类别。收集数据所用的技术是半结构化访谈,该访谈是在CTA上为诊断结论而在女性中进行的。由于在分娩前和分娩后的任何护理阶段均未提供咨询,该测试由于不符合常规常规,因此失去了特异性。用户与专业人员之间的关系反映了损害女性自主权的动力机制,从整体性的角度拉开了护理的距离。



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