首页> 外文期刊>Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly >High-level Production of Bovine Enterokinase Light Chain Using Fed-batches by Recombinant Pichia pastoris

High-level Production of Bovine Enterokinase Light Chain Using Fed-batches by Recombinant Pichia pastoris




Abstract A recombinant Pichia pastoris containing enterokinase light chain gene from bovine was cultured in flasks firstly at different pH, methanol addition, and cell mass concentration for enterokinase production. Activity of enterokinase increased as cell mass concentration increased at more than φ = 6 % methanol added. No significant change of activity of enterokinase was observed when methanol added was less than φ = 4 %. No activity of enterokinase lost after 120 h conservation at different pH. Secondly, high-level enterokinase production was achieved in 3.7 L bioreactor at pH 4.0, φ = 0.6 % methanol, p = 52.5 kPa. Activity of enterokinase was not cell mass concentration dependent at φ = 0.6 % methanol in bioreactor. Yield of enterokinase was 479.99 mg L–1 after 97.5 h induction. Maintenance coefficient and methanol consumed were calculated to analyse the enterokinase production.
机译:摘要首先在不同pH,甲醇添加和细胞质量浓度下,在牛中培养含有牛肠激酶轻链基因的重组毕赤酵母。肠激酶的活性随着细胞质量浓度的增加而增加,当加入的甲醇浓度超过φ= 6%时。当添加的甲醇小于φ= 4%时,未观察到肠激酶活性的显着变化。在不同pH下保存120小时后,肠激酶的活性没有损失。其次,在pH 4.0的3.7 L生物反应器中,Φ= 0.6%甲醇,p = 52.5 kPa,实现了高水平肠激酶的生产。肠激酶的活性与细胞质量浓度无关,后者取决于生物反应器中的φ= 0.6%甲醇。诱导97.5小时后,肠激酶的产量为479.99 mg L–1。计算维持系数和消耗的甲醇以分析肠激酶的产生。



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