首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Applied Science and Technology >Aflatoxin M1 in Milk and Milk Products in Jordan andMethods for its Reduction: A Preliminary Study

Aflatoxin M1 in Milk and Milk Products in Jordan andMethods for its Reduction: A Preliminary Study




Aims: The aim of this study was to assess Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) levels in liquid and powdered milk and other dairy products in Jordan using ELISA technique and antiaflatoxin M1 (AFM1 reduction) effect of fermentation, high heat treatments and the addition of plant extracts during milk fermentation.Place and Duration of Study: Department of Nutrition and Food Technology, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan during July 2006 and March 2007.Methodology: A total of 22 samples of milk and dairy products were randomly collected from local markets and were grouped as follows: Raw (n=3), pasteurized (n=4) and powdered milk (n=3), infant formula (n=3), yoghurt (n=3), labaneh (low moisture sour yoghurt) (n=3) and jameed (traditional dry yoghurt) (n=3). Dairy products were analyzed for their AFM1 content. Anti-aflatoxin treatments of fermentation, high heat, garlic (Allium sativum), black cumin (Nigella sativum) and carrot (Ducaus carota sativus) water extracts were studied to determine their influence on AFM1 content.Results: The results show that AFM1 was detected in 81.8% of tested samples with varying levels ranging from 25 ppt to no detection. The highest levels were found in 2 labaneh samples purchased from local brands (25.8 and 22 ppt of AFM1). Levels of AFM1 of 19, 15.5, and 14 ppt were detected in a yoghurt, raw milk, and jameed samples respectively. No AFM1 was detected in imported infant formula samples, pasteurized milk and one labaneh brand. Carrot water extract had the highest impact by decreasing AFM1 by 72% of the total toxin followed by heating (56%) and fermentation (40%). Conclusion: These AFM1 levels found in milk and dairy products in Jordan are considered low and within the European maximum limit of 50 ppt. An important finding for AFM1 reduction was our finding that a natural product such as carrot extract can be effective in lowering AFM1 in milk samples.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是使用ELISA技术评估发酵液,高温处理和添加植物提取物的抗黄曲霉毒素M1(降低AFM1)的作用,评估约旦液态奶粉和奶粉及其他乳制品中的黄曲霉毒素M1(AFM1)水平研究的地点和持续时间:2006年7月至2007年3月在约旦安曼约旦大学营养与食品技术系。方法:从当地市场随机收集了22份牛奶和乳制品样品分为以下几类:原料(n = 3),巴氏杀菌(n = 4)和奶粉(n = 3),婴儿配方奶粉(n = 3),酸奶(n = 3),拉巴尼(低水分酸味酸奶) (n = 3)和果酱(传统酸奶)(n = 3)。分析了乳制品的AFM1含量。研究了抗黄曲霉毒素处理对发酵液,高温,大蒜(大蒜),黑孜然(Nigella sativum)和胡萝卜(Ducaus carota sativus)水提取物的影响,以确定它们对AFM1含量的影响。结果:结果表明,检测到了AFM1在81.8%的受测样品中,水平范围从25 ppt到无检测到。在从当地品牌购买的2个labaneh样品中发现最高水平(AFM1的25.8和22 ppt)。在酸奶,生奶和果酱样品中分别检测到AFM1的水平分别为19、15.5和14 ppt。在进口的婴儿配方奶粉样本,巴氏消毒的牛奶和一个labaneh品牌中未检测到AFM1。胡萝卜提取物的影响最大,其方法是将AFM1降低总毒素的72%,然后进行加热(56%)和发酵(40%)。结论:在约旦的牛奶和乳制品中发现的这些AFM1水平被认为较低,并且在欧洲最大限值50 ppt之内。减少AFM1的一个重要发现是我们的发现,即胡萝卜提取物之类的天然产品可以有效降低牛奶样品中的AFM1。



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