首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Applied Science and Technology >Design and Evaluation of Livestock DewateringMachine

Design and Evaluation of Livestock DewateringMachine




A livestock dewatering machine was designed, fabricated and evaluated to improve on-farm management of animal waste. This is in response to the need to reduce and eliminate the many challenges of improper waste handling in livestock production farms in Nigeria. The machine consists of a hopper, gear rack, shaft, speed reducer, ball bearings, screen, and discharge chute. The machine is manually operated by cranking of the handle which transmits torque to the shaft and thus set the rack in motion. The rack compresses the slurry against the wall of hard casing, and the liquid is separated from the waste and let out through the screen at the bottom of the casing, leaving the dewatered waste to escape through the discharge chute. Particle size distribution analysis guided the choice of screen size of 2 mm diameter. The machine was tested with pig dung, and it gave a throughput capacity of 472.75 kh/hr and a separating efficiency of 9%.
机译:设计,制造和评估了牲畜脱水机,以改善农场对动物粪便的管理。这是为了满足减少和消除尼日利亚牲畜生产农场废物处理不当所带来的许多挑战的需要。该机器由料斗,齿条,轴,减速器,球轴承,筛子和卸料斜槽组成。通过手柄的曲柄手动操作机器,该手柄将扭矩传递到轴上,从而使齿条运动。机架将浆液压缩到坚硬的外壳壁上,然后将液体从废物中分离出来,并通过外壳底部的筛网排出,使脱水后的废物通过排料槽逸出。粒度分布分析指导了2 mm直径筛网尺寸的选择。该机器用猪粪进行了测试,其吞吐能力为472.75 kh / hr,分离效率为9%。



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