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Dr. Sackett & 'Mr. Sacketeer'... Encanto e desencanto no reino da expertise na medicina baseada em evidências




In May 2000, Prof. David L. Sackett, one of the founders of the evidence-based medicine movement (EBM), published an article in the British Medical Journal in which he renounced writing, teaching, or serving as a referee for topics related to EBM. He justified his stance based on his frustration over what he considered the harmful effects of an alleged excess of experts in this field. Sackett's position was the raw material whereby we approached aspects linked to the definition and scope of EBM as well as related critiques. We also stress the movement's various rhetorical strategies. In addition, we discuss both the notion of expertise and the role of "expert systems" and "specialized competence" in our societal milieu, developed respectively by Anthony Giddens and Zygmunt Bauman. The main focus of this commentary is to emphasize that while we are dealing with a progressive trend towards acquiring control and intelligibility vis-à-vis the objects of our research, we must consider the possibility of dimensions that cannot be reached by way of the rationalistic Western mode of thought.
机译:2000年5月,循证医学运动(EBM)的创始人之一David L. Sackett教授在《英国医学杂志》上发表了一篇文章,他放弃了写作,教学或担任与相关主题相关的裁判的工作到EBM。他对自己认为该领域过多专家的有害影响感到沮丧,从而证明了自己的立场。 Sackett的立场是原材料,我们以此来处理与EBM的定义和范围以及相关批评有关的方面。我们还强调了运动的各种修辞策略。另外,我们讨论了专门知识的概念以及“专家系统”和“专业能力”在我们的社会环境中的作用,这分别由安东尼·吉登斯和齐格蒙特·鲍曼开发。本评论的主要重点是强调,尽管我们正在面对一种逐渐趋向于获得相对于研究对象的控制和可理解性的趋势,但我们必须考虑通过理性主义无法达到的维度的可能性西方思维方式。



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