首页> 外文期刊>Cadernos de Saúde Pública >La pobreza, el crecimiento demográfico y el control de la natalidad: Una crítica a la perspectiva ética de Peter Singer sobre la relación entre ricos y pobres

La pobreza, el crecimiento demográfico y el control de la natalidad: Una crítica a la perspectiva ética de Peter Singer sobre la relación entre ricos y pobres




This article analyzes the relationship between population growth and ethical principles relating to poverty. The paper is a critical approach to the thesis presented by Peter Singer in his book "Practical Ethics". The first part briefly examines the principal topics of his thesis. The author then analyzes the basis of Singer's theory with respect to the following questions: 1) Is overpopulation the main reason for poverty? Is it possible to establish an association between the poverty phenomenon and population growth? 2) Is Singer′s demographic perspective valid? 3) Can problems of resource distribution be ignored when talking about poverty from an ethical perspective? 4) Is it true that birth control policy was successfully implemented in Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil? 5) Does Singer′s position on population growth have a negative influence on the "collective imagination"? The paper concludes by suggesting some useful arguments for understanding an ethical perspective towards poverty.
机译:本文分析了人口增长与有关贫困的道德原则之间的关系。本文是彼得·辛格(Peter Singer)在他的《实践道德》一书中提出的论文的一种关键方法。第一部分简要分析了他论文的主要主题。然后作者针对以下几个问题分析了辛格理论的基础:1)人口过多是否是贫困的主要原因?是否可以在贫困现象与人口增长之间建立联系? 2)歌手的人口统计学观点是否有效? 3)从伦理的角度谈论贫困时,资源分配问题可以忽略吗? 4)墨西哥,哥伦比亚和巴西成功实施了节育政策,这是真的吗? 5)辛格对人口增长的立场是否会对“集体想象力”产生负面影响?最后,本文提出了一些有用的论据,以理解对贫困的道德观点。



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