首页> 外文期刊>Cadernos de Saúde Pública >Coverage of the Brazilian population 18 years and older by private health plans: an analysis of data from the World Health Survey

Coverage of the Brazilian population 18 years and older by private health plans: an analysis of data from the World Health Survey




This study analyzes data from the World Health Survey (WHS) conducted in 2003, with a sample of 5,000 individuals 18 years and older. Some 24.0% of the interviewees had private health insurance, and the main variables associated with private coverage were number of household assets, age, level of education, formal employment, living in municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants, and good self-rated health. The socioeconomic profiles of needs for and use of health services in the population covered by private health plans are different, confirming the findings of other studies reporting that this population segment as a whole presents better health conditions and greater use of services as compared to the population without private coverage, even after adjusting for socio-demographic variables and self-rated health. The WHS data also suggest that individuals with private health plans do not always use their insurance to pay for services, except in the case of mammograms.
机译:这项研究分析了2003年进行的世界卫生调查(WHS)的数据,样本来自5,000名18岁以上的人。约有24.0%的受访者拥有私人医疗保险,与私人保险相关的主要变量是家庭资产数量,年龄,受教育程度,正式就业,居住在人口超过50,000的城市以及良好的自我评估健康状况。私人卫生计划涵盖的人群对卫生服务的需求和使用的社会经济状况有所不同,这证实了其他研究的结果,该研究报告说,与人口相比,这一人群总体上呈现出更好的健康状况和更多的服务使用即使在针对社会人口统计学变量和自我评估的健康状况进行调整之后,也没有私人保险。 WHS的数据还表明,有私人医疗保健计划的人并不总是使用自己的保险来支付服务费用,乳腺X线照片除外。



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