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UC plays a crucial facilitating role in the Sierra Nevada Adaptive Management Project




The 2004 Sierra Nevada Forest Plan Amendment adopted by the U.S. Forest Service called for using adaptive management — management through deliberate experimentation — to carry out treatments to improve forest health and reduce fire severity. The Sierra Nevada Adaptive Management Project (SNAMP), begun in 2005 and ending this year, has developed, implemented and evaluated participatory adaptive management processes in two national forests for applying fuels management treatments based on strategically placed patterns of tree thinning. SNAMP participants include federal and state agencies, the University of California and many members of the public. UC Cooperative Extension staff members have played an important role in facilitating the participation of public stakeholders. In 2010, a survey showed that stakeholders valued the learning opportunities of the project, especially appreciating the open discussions, public input and face-to-face contact with scientists. Despite the institutional limits to sharing decision making, an environment conducive to the social learning characteristic of collaborative adaptive management projects was created. The SNAMP process may lead to long-term relationships and knowledgeable stakeholders who can support the Forest Service's use of the project findings after UC's role ends.
机译:美国森林服务局通过的《 2004年内华达山脉森林计划修正案》呼吁采用适应性管理(通过有意试验进行管理)来进行处理,以改善森林健康并降低火灾严重性。内华达山脉适应性管理项目(SNAMP)始于2005年,至今年年底,已在两个国家森林中制定,实施和评估了参与性适应性管理过程,以根据策略性疏伐树木的模式对燃料进行管理。 SNAMP的参与者包括联邦和州机构,加利福尼亚大学和许多公众。 UC合作社推广人员在促进公众利益相关者的参与方面发挥了重要作用。 2010年的一项调查显示,利益相关者重视该项目的学习机会,特别是赞赏公开讨论,公众投入以及与科学家的面对面接触。尽管在共享决策方面存在机构限制,但仍创造了一个有利于协作自适应管理项目的社会学习特征的环境。 SNAMP流程可能会导致长期的关系和知识渊博的利益相关者,他们可以在UC的角色结束后支持森林服务局对项目结果的使用。



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