首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Agriculture >Considerations upon the Implications of European Union Legislations Concerning the Environmental Policy and Agricultural Productivity

Considerations upon the Implications of European Union Legislations Concerning the Environmental Policy and Agricultural Productivity




On both national and European Union levels, a constant interest concerning the reflection of environmental quality on agricultural production is developing. This paper aims to approach from conceptual point of view the instruments of the EU legislation, used for improving the opportunities of the? EU national? governments? to improve? the? environmental? quality. The? research? was carried? on based? on? references? from? last? five? years,? using? as? main? source? the? international? databases.? The international? environmental? conventions,? concerning? horizontal? factors? namely,? are? treated. The? EU policies,? based? on? the? principles? of? environmental? international? conventions, aiming? to? reduce? the effects? of? the? impact? produced? by? the? environmental? pollution? agents? must? cope? to? the status? quo produced? by? the? necessity? of? reconciliation? between? two? essential? objectives,? but? apparently? in contradiction:? supplying? environmental? protection? and? in? the? mean? time,? supplying? the? agricultural efficiency.? In? order? to? implement? this? desiderate,? the? normative? principles? that? fundament? these policies? are? focused? on? two? central? points:? correct? repartition? of? duties,? and? increasing? the responsibilities? of? the? agents? involved? in? implementations? of? foreseen? practices.? However,? the efficient? implementation? of? present? EU? environmental? policies,? at? instruments? and? principles levels, continues? to? be? a? challenge? for? the? stakeholders.? In? this? respect,? three? concurrent? concepts? are? in discussions. In? order? to? obtain? efficient? legislative? patterns? in? the? field? of? environmental? policies meant? to? contribute? to? the? increasing? of? the? agricultural? healthy? outputs,? it? is? important? to? consider four components: existence of collaboration group at national leadership levels, conjugated actions at communitarian? level,? increasing? environmental? consciousness? of? public? opinion,? and trans-frontier mobilization.



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