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cAMP-stimulated Cl- secretion is increased by glucocorticoids and inhibited by bumetanide in semicircular canal duct epithelium




Background The vestibular system controls the ion composition of its luminal fluid through several epithelial cell transport mechanisms under hormonal regulation. The semicircular canal duct (SCCD) epithelium has been shown to secrete Cl- under β2-adrenergic stimulation. In the current study, we sought to determine the ion transporters involved in Cl- secretion and whether secretion is regulated by PKA and glucocorticoids. Results Short circuit current (Isc) from rat SCCD epithelia demonstrated stimulation by forskolin (EC50: 0.8 μM), 8-Br-cAMP (EC50: 180 μM), 8-pCPT-cAMP (100 μM), IBMX (250 μM), and RO-20-1724 (100 μM). The PKA activator N6-BNZ-cAMP (0.1, 0.3 & 1 mM) also stimulated Isc. Partial inhibition of stimulated Isc individually by bumetanide (10 & 50 μM), and [(dihydroindenyl)oxy]alkanoic acid (DIOA, 100 μM) were additive and complete. Stimulated Isc was also partially inhibited by CFTRinh-172 (5 & 30 μM), flufenamic acid (5 μM) and diphenylamine-2,2′-dicarboxylic acid (DPC; 1 mM). Native canals of CFTR+/? mice showed a stimulation of Isc from isoproterenol and forskolin+IBMX but not in the presence of both bumetanide and DIOA, while canals from CFTR?/? mice had no responses. Nonetheless, CFTR?/? mice showed no difference from CFTR+/? mice in their ability to balance (rota-rod). Stimulated Isc was greater after chronic incubation (24 hr) with the glucocorticoids dexamethasone (0.1 & 0.3 μM), prednisolone (0.3, 1 & 3 μM), hydrocortisone (0.01, 0.1 & 1 μM), and corticosterone (0.1 & 1 μM) and mineralocorticoid aldosterone (1 μM). Steroid action was blocked by mifepristone but not by spironolactone, indicating all the steroids activated the glucocorticoid, but not mineralocorticoid, receptor. Expression of transcripts for CFTR; for KCC1, KCC3a, KCC3b and KCC4, but not KCC2; for NKCC1 but not NKCC2 and for WNK1 but only very low WNK4 was determined. Conclusions These results are consistent with a model of Cl- secretion whereby Cl- is taken up across the basolateral membrane by a Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter (NKCC) and potentially another transporter, is secreted across the apical membrane via a Cl- channel, likely CFTR, and demonstrate the regulation of Cl- secretion by protein kinase A and glucocorticoids.
机译:背景技术前庭系统在激素调节下通过几种上皮细胞转运机制控制其腔液的离子组成。研究表明,在β 2 -肾上腺素能刺激下,半规管(SCCD)上皮分泌Cl -。在当前的研究中,我们试图确定参与Cl -分泌的离子转运蛋白,以及分泌是否受PKA和糖皮质激素的调节。结果大鼠SCCD上皮的短路电流(I sc )表现为毛喉素(EC 50 :0.8μM),8-Br-cAMP(EC 50 < / sub>:180μM),8-pCPT-cAMP(100μM),IBMX(250μM)和RO-20-1724(100μM)。 PKA活化剂N6-BNZ-cAMP(0.1、0.3和1 mM)也刺激了I sc 。布美他尼(10&50μM)和[(二氢茚基)氧基]链烷酸(DIOA,100μM)分别部分抑制受刺激的I sc 是累加的和完全的。 CFTR -172(5&30μM),氟苯那酸(5μM)和二苯胺-2,2 '< -二羧酸(DPC; 1mM)。 CFTR + /?小鼠的天然管显示异丙肾上腺素和毛喉素+ IBMX对I sc 有刺激作用,但布美他尼和DIOA均不存在,而CFTR < sup>?/?小鼠无反应。但是,CFTR ?/?小鼠的平衡能力(旋转棒)与CFTR + /?小鼠没有差异。与糖皮质激素地塞米松(0.1和0.3μM),泼尼松龙(0.3、1和3μM),氢化可的松(0.01、0.1和1μM)长期孵育(24小时)后,受刺激的I sc 更大,皮质酮(0.1和1μM)和盐皮质激素醛固酮(1μM)。米非司酮阻止了类固醇的作用,但螺内酯并未阻止类固醇的作用,这表明所有类固醇都激活了糖皮质激素受体,但没有激活盐皮质激素受体。 CFTR转录本的表达;对于KCC1,KCC3a,KCC3b和KCC4,但不适用于KCC2;对于NKCC1而不是NKCC2,对于WNK1,仅确定了非常低的WNK4。结论这些结果与Cl -分泌模型一致,其中Cl -被Na + -K < sup> + -2Cl -共转运蛋白(NKCC)和潜在的另一种转运蛋白通过Cl -通道(可能为CFTR)跨膜分泌,并证明蛋白激酶A和糖皮质激素对Cl -分泌的调节



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