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Pregnancy loss and role of infant HIV status on perinatal mortality among HIV-infected women




Background HIV-infected women, particularly those with advanced disease, may have higher rates of pregnancy loss (miscarriage and stillbirth) and neonatal mortality than uninfected women. Here we examine risk factors for these adverse pregnancy outcomes in a cohort of HIV-infected women in Zambia considering the impact of infant HIV status. Methods A total of 1229 HIV-infected pregnant women were enrolled (2001–2004) in Lusaka, Zambia and followed to pregnancy outcome. Live-born infants were tested for HIV by PCR at birth, 1 week and 5 weeks. Obstetric and neonatal data were collected after delivery and the rates of neonatal ( Results The ratio of miscarriage and stillbirth per 100 live-births were 3.1 and 2.6, respectively. Higher maternal plasma viral load (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] for each log10 increase in HIV RNA copies/ml?=?1.90; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.10–3.27) and being symptomatic were associated with an increased risk of stillbirth (AOR?=?3.19; 95% CI 1.46–6.97), and decreasing maternal CD4 count by 100 cells/mm3 with an increased risk of miscarriage (OR?=?1.25; 95% CI 1.02–1.54). The neonatal mortality rate was 4.3 per 100 increasing to 6.3 by 70 days. Intrauterine HIV infection was not associated with neonatal morality but became associated with mortality through 70 days (adjusted hazard ratio?=?2.76; 95% CI 1.25–6.08). Low birth weight and cessation of breastfeeding were significant risk factors for both neonatal and early mortality independent of infant HIV infection. Conclusions More advanced maternal HIV disease was associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Excess neonatal mortality in HIV-infected women was not primarily explained by infant HIV infection but was strongly associated with low birth weight and prematurity. Intrauterine HIV infection contributed to mortality as early as 70 days of infant age. Interventions to improve pregnancy outcomes for HIV-infected women are needed to complement necessary therapeutic and prophylactic antiretroviral interventions.
机译:背景技术受HIV感染的妇女,特别是患有晚期疾病的妇女,与未感染的妇女相比,可能会流失更高的妊娠率(流产和死产)和新生儿死亡率。在这里,我们考虑到婴儿艾滋病毒感染状况的影响,在赞比亚一群艾滋病毒感染妇女中检查了这些不良妊娠结局的危险因素。方法(2001-2004)在赞比亚的卢萨卡(Lusaka)招募了1229名受HIV感染的孕妇,并随访其妊娠结局。在出生时,第1周和第5周通过PCR对活产婴儿进行HIV检测。分娩后收集的产科和新生儿数据和新生儿发生率(结果每100个活产的流产和死产比率分别为3.1和2.6。孕妇血浆病毒载量较高(每增加10 log10的调整比数比[AOR]。 HIV RNA拷贝数/ml?=?1.90;95%的置信区间[CI] 1.10-3.27)和有症状与死产的风险增加(AOR?=?3.19; 95%CI 1.46-6.97)和孕产妇的减少有关CD4计数为100细胞/ mm 3 ,流产风险增加(OR?=?1.25; 95%CI 1.02-1.54),新生儿死亡率为每100例4.3,到70天时增至6.3。宫内HIV感染与新生儿道德无关,但与70天之内的死亡率相关(校正后的危险比?=?2.76; 95%CI 1.25–6.08)低出生体重和停止母乳喂养是新生儿和新生儿的重要危险因素。早期死亡率与婴儿HIV感染无关。 ed孕妇HIV疾病与不良妊娠结局相关。艾滋病毒感染妇女的新生儿死亡率过高并不是主要由婴儿艾滋病毒感染引起的,而是与低出生体重和早产密切相关。早在婴儿期70天之内,子宫内HIV感染就导致了死亡率。需要采取干预措施来改善感染艾滋病毒的妇女的妊娠结局,以补充必要的治疗和预防性抗逆转录病毒干预措施。



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