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Proceedings of the 3rd IPLeiria’s International Health Congress




Table of contents S1 Health literacy and health education in adolescence Catarina Cardoso Tomás S2 The effect of a walking program on the quality of life and well-being of people with schizophrenia Emanuel Oliveira, D. Sousa, M. Uba-Chupel, G. Furtado, C. Rocha, A. Teixeira, P. Ferreira S3 Diagnosis and innovative treatments - the way to a better medical practice Celeste Alves S4 Simulation-based learning and how it is a high contribution Stefan Gisin S5 Formative research about acceptability, utilization and promotion of a home fortification programme with micronutrient powders (MNP) in the Autonomous Region of Príncipe, S?o Tomé and Príncipe Elisabete Catarino, Nelma Carvalho, Tiago Coucelo, Luís Bonfim, Carina Silva S6 Safety culture of the patient: a reflexion about the therapeutic approach on the patient with vocal pathology Débora Franco S7 About wine, fortune cookies and patient experience Jesús Alcoba González O1 The psychological impact on the emergency crews after the disaster event on February 20, 2010 Helena G. Jardim, Rita Silva O2 Musculoskeletal disorders in midwives Cristina L. Baixinho, Ma Helena Presado, Ma Fátima Marques, Mário E. Cardoso O3 Negative childhood experiences and fears of compassion: Implications for psychological difficulties in adolescence Marina Cunha, Joana Mendes, Ana Xavier, Ana Galhardo, Margarida Couto O4 Optimal age to give the first dose of measles vaccine in Portugal Jo?o G. Frade, Carla Nunes, Jo?o R. Mesquita, Maria S. Nascimento, Guilherme Gon?alves O5 Functional assessment of elderly in primary care Concei??o Castro, Alice Mártires, Ma Jo?o Monteiro, Concei??o Rainho O6 Smoking and coronary events in a population of Spanish health-care centre: An observational study Francisco P. Caballero, Fatima M. Monago, Jose T. Guerrero, Rocio M. Monago, Africa P. Trigo, Milagros L. Gutierrez, Gemma M. Milanés, Mercedes G. Reina, Ana G. Villanueva, Ana S. Pi?ero, Isabel R. Aliseda, Francisco B. Ramirez O7 Prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries in Portuguese musicians Andrea Ribeiro, Ana Quelhas, Concei??o Manso O8 Hip fractures, psychotropic drug consumption and comorbidity in patients of a primary care practice in Spain Francisco P. Caballero, Jose T. Guerrero, Fatima M. Monago, Rafael B. Santos, Nuria R. Jimenez, Cristina G. Nu?ez, Inmaculada R. Gomez, Ma Jose L. Fernandez, Laura A. Marquez, Ana L. Moreno, Ma Jesus Tena Huertas, Francisco B. Ramirez O9 The role of self-criticism and shame in social anxiety in a clinical SAD sample Daniel Seabra, Ma Céu Salvador O10 Obstruction and infiltration: a proposal of a quality indicator Luciene Braga, Pedro Parreira, Anabela Salgueiro-Oliveira, Cristina Arreguy-Sena, Bibiana F. Oliveira, Ma Adriana Henriques O11 Balance and anxiety and depression symptoms in old age people Joana Santos, Sara Lebre, Alda Marques O12 Prevalence of postural changes and risk factors in school children and adolescents in a northern region (Porto) Clarinda Festas, Sandra Rodrigues, Andrea Ribeiro, José Lumini O13 Ischemic stroke vs. haemorrhagic stroke survival rate Ana G. Figueiredo O14 Chronobiological factors as responsible for the appearance of locomotor pathology in adolescents Francisco J. Hernandez-Martinez, Liliana Campi, Ma Pino Quintana-Montesdeoca, Juan F. Jimenez-Diaz, Bienvenida C. Rodriguez-De-Vera O15 Risk of malnutrition in the elderly of Bragan?a Alexandra Parente, Ma Augusta Mata, Ana Ma Pereira, Adília Fernandes, Manuel Brás O16 A Lifestyle Educational Programme for primary care diabetic patients: the design of a complex nursing intervention Ma Rosário Pinto, Pedro Parreira, Marta L. Basto, Ana C. Rei, Lisete M. Mónico O17 Medication adherence in elderly people Gilberta Sousa, Clementina Morna, Otília Freitas, Gregório Freitas, Ana Jardim, Rita Vasconcelos O18 Hospitalization for cervical cancer of residents in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil, 2012 to 2014 Lina G. Horta, Roger S. Rosa, Luís F. Kranz, Rita C. Nugem, Mariana S. Siqueira, Ronaldo Bordin O19 Oncologic assistance of high complexity: evaluation of regulating accesses Rosiane Kniess, Josimari T. Lacerda O20 Perceived barriers for using health care services by the older population as seen by the social sector: findings from the Vila Nova de Gaia Gerontological Plan Joana Guedes, Idalina Machado, Sidalina Almeida, Adriano Zilh?o, Helder Alves, óscar Ribeiro O21 Sleep difficulties and depressive symptoms in college students Ana P. Amaral, Ana Santos, Joana Monteiro, Ma Clara Rocha, Rui Cruz O22 Psychopathological symptoms and medication use in higher education Ana P. Amaral, Marina Louren?o, Ma Clara Rocha, Rui Cruz O23 Sexually transmitted diseases in higher education institutions Sandra Antunes, Verónica Mendon?a, Isabel Andrade, Nádia Osório, Ana Valado, Armando Caseiro, António Gabriel, Anabela C. Martins, Fernando Mendes O24 Alcohol consumption and suicide ideation in higher education students Lídia Cabral, Manuela Ferreira, Amadeu Gon?alves O25 Q
机译:目录S1青春期的健康素养和健康教育Catarina CardosoTomásS2步行计划对精神分裂症患者的生活质量和幸福感的影响Emanuel Oliveira,D.Sousa,M.Uba-Chupel,G.Furtado ,C. Rocha,A. Teixeira,P. Ferreira S3诊断和创新疗法-更好的医学实践之路Celeste Alves S4基于模拟的学习以及它的卓越贡献Stefan Gisin S5关于可接受性,利用和促进的形成性研究Príncipe,S?oTomé和PríncipeElisabete Catarino,Nelma Carvalho,Tiago Coucelo,LuísBonfim,Carina Silva S6自治区的微量营养粉(MNP)家庭设防计划的实施病人的安全文化:对治疗的反思声音病理学患者的治疗方法DéboraFranco S7关于酒,幸运饼干和患者的经历JesúsAlcobaGonzálezO1饭后对应急人员的心理影响r事件,2010年2月20日Helena G. Jardim,丽塔席尔瓦O2助产士中的肌肉骨骼疾病青春期Marina Cunha,Joana Mendes,Ana Xavier,Ana Galhardo,Margarida Couto O4在葡萄牙首次接种麻疹疫苗的最佳年龄Jo?o G. Frade,Carla Nunes,Jo?o R. Mesquita,Maria S. Nascimento, Guilherme Gon?alves O5初级保健中老年人的功能评估Concei ?? o Castro,AliceMártires,Ma Jo?o Monteiro,Concei ?? o Rainho O6西班牙卫生保健中心人口中的吸烟和冠心病:一项观察性研究Francisco P. Caballero,Fatima M. Monago,Jose T. Guerrero,Rocio M. Monago,非洲P. Trigo,Milagros L. Gutierrez,Gemma M.Milanés,梅赛德斯G. Reina,Ana G. Villanueva,Ana S. Pi? ero,Isabel R. Alisea,Francisco B. Ramirez O7肌肉骨骼骨骼患病率葡萄牙音乐家Andrea Ribeiro,Ana Quelhas,Concei?o Manso O8的重伤在西班牙一级保健机构的患者中发生髋部骨折,精神药物消耗和合并症Francisco P. Caballero,Jose T. Guerrero,Fatima M. Monago,Rafael B.桑托斯,努里亚·R·希门尼斯,克里斯蒂娜·G·努埃斯,因马库拉达·R·戈麦斯,马瑟·L·费尔南德斯,劳拉·马克斯,安娜·莫雷诺,马·耶稣·特纳·赫尔塔斯,弗朗西斯科·B·拉米雷斯O9临床SAD样本中的自我批评和社交焦虑中的羞耻感丹尼尔·西布拉,马塞乌·萨尔瓦多O10阻塞和渗透:质量指标的建议Luciene Braga,佩德罗·帕雷拉,阿纳贝拉·萨尔格罗·奥利维拉,克里斯蒂娜·阿雷古伊·塞纳,比比亚那F.奥利维拉O11老年人的平衡与焦虑和抑郁症状Joana Santos,Sara Lebre,Alda Marques O12北部地区(波尔图)的Clarinda Festas,Sandra Rodrigues,Andrea的学龄儿童和青少年的姿势变化和危险因素盛行肋骨eiro,JoséLumini O13缺血性卒中与出血性卒中存活率Ana G. Figueiredo O14慢性生物学因素与青少年的运动病理学有关,这是旧金山J. Hernandez-Martinez,Liliana Campi,Ma Pino Quintana-Montesdeoca和Juan F. Jimenez -Biaz-Bienvenida C. Rodriguez-De-Vera O15 Bragan?a Alexandra Parente,Ma Augusta Mata,Ana Ma Pereira,AdíliaFernandes,ManuelBrásO16老年人的营养不良风险:针对初级保健糖尿病患者的生活方式教育计划:复杂护理干预的设计MaRosárioPinto,Pedro Parreira,Marta L.Basto,Ana C.Rei,LiseteM.MónicoO17老年人的药物依从性Gilberta Sousa,Clementina Morna,OtíliaFreitas,GregórioFreitas,Ana Jardim,Rita Vasconcelos O18 2012年至2014年在巴西南部阿雷格里大都会区居民的宫颈癌住院治疗Lina G. Horta,Roger S.Rosa,LuísF.Kranz,Rita C.Nugem,Mariana S.Siq ueira,Ronaldo Bordin O19高度复杂的肿瘤学援助:评估准入途径Rosiane Kniess,Josimari T. Lacerda O20从社会部门的角度来看,老年人感知医疗保健服务的障碍:Vila Nova de Gaia老年医学计划的发现Joana Guedes,Idalina Machado,Sidalina Almeida,Adriano Zilh?o,Helder Alves,óscarRibeiro O21大学生的睡眠困难和抑郁症状Ana P.Amaral,Ana Santos,Joana Monteiro,Ma Clara Rocha,Rui Cruz O22心理病理症状和药物治疗在高等教育中使用Ana P. Amaral,Marina Louren?o,Ma Clara Rocha,Rui Cruz O23在高等教育机构中发生性传播疾病Sandra Antunes,VerónicaMendon?a,Isabel Andrade,NádiaOsório,Ana Valado,Armando Caseiro,Antonioio Gabriel ,Anabela C. Martins,Fernando Mendes O24高等教育学生的饮酒和自杀观念LídiaCabral,Manuela Ferreira,Amadeu Gon?alves O25 Q



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