首页> 外文期刊>BMC Health Services Research >“Ways and channels for voice regarding perceptions of maternal health care services within the communities of the Makamba and Kayanza provinces in the Republic of Burundi: an exploratory study”

“Ways and channels for voice regarding perceptions of maternal health care services within the communities of the Makamba and Kayanza provinces in the Republic of Burundi: an exploratory study”




Increased availability of maternal health services alone does not lead to better outcomes for maternal health.The services need to be utilized first.One way to increase service utilization is to plan responsive health care services by taking into account the community’s views or expressed needs. Burundi has a high maternal mortality ratio, and despite improvements in health infrastructure, skilled staff and the abolition of user fees?for pregnant women,utilization of maternal health services remains low. Possible reasons?for this include?a lack of responsive healthcare services. An exploratory study was conducted in 2013 in two provinces of Burundi?(Makamba and Kayanza), with the aim to collect the experiences?of women and men with the maternal health services,their?views regarding?those services, channels used to express these experiences, and?the providers’ reaction. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from men and women and key informants, including community health workers, health committee members,?health providers, local authorities,?religious leaders and managers of non-governmental organizations. Data analysis was facilitated by MAXQDA 11?software. Negative?experiences with maternal health services were reported and included?poor staff?behavior towards women and?a lack of medicine. Health committees and suggestion boxes were introduced by the government to channel the community’s views. However, they are not used by the community members, who prefer to use community health workers as intermediaries. Fear of?expressing?oneself linked to?the post-war context of Burundi, social and gender norms, and religious norms limit the?expression of community members’ views, especially those of women. The?limited appreciation of community health workers by the providers further hampers communication and acceptance of the community’s views by health providers. In Burundi, the community voice to express views on maternal health services is encountering obstacles and needs?to be strengthened,especially the women’s voice. Community mobilization?in the form of a mass immunization campaign day organized by women fora, and community empowerment using participatory approaches could contribute towards community voice strengthening.
机译:单单增加产妇保健服务并不能带来更好的产妇保健效果。必须首先利用这些服务。增加服务利用率的一种方法是,通过考虑社区的观点或表达的需求来计划响应型保健服务。布隆迪的孕产妇死亡率很高,尽管改善了卫生基础设施,熟练的工作人员并取消了孕妇的使用费,但孕产妇保健服务的利用仍然很低。为此的可能原因包括缺乏响应式医疗服务。 2013年在布隆迪两个省(Makamba和Kayanza)进行了一项探索性研究,目的是收集男女在产妇保健服务方面的经验,他们对这些服务的看法,表达这些服务的渠道经验,以及提供者的反应。半结构式访谈被用来收集男女和关键信息人的数据,包括社区卫生工作者,卫生委员会成员,卫生提供者,地方当局,宗教领袖和非政府组织的管理人员。 MAXQDA 11软件促进了数据分析。据报告,孕产妇保健服务的经历为阴性,其中包括“工作人员差”,对妇女的行为以及缺乏药物。政府引入了卫生委员会和建议箱,以传达社区的观点。但是,社区成员没有使用它们,他们更喜欢使用社区卫生工作者作为中介。对表达自己的恐惧与战后布隆迪语境,社会和性别规范以及宗教规范有关,这限制了社区成员尤其是妇女的观点表达。提供者对社区卫生工作者的有限赞赏进一步阻碍了卫生提供者的沟通和接受社区观点。在布隆迪,表达对产妇保健服务观点的社区呼声正在遇到障碍和需要加强的地方,尤其是妇女的呼声。由妇女论坛组织的大规模免疫运动日形式的社区动员,以及采用参与性方法的社区赋权可有助于增强社区的声音。



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