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A new paradigm in respiratory hygiene: increasing the cohesivity of airway secretions to improve cough interaction and reduce aerosol dispersion




Background Infectious respiratory diseases are transmitted to non-infected subjects when an infected person expels pathogenic microorganisms to the surrounding environment when coughing or sneezing. When the airway mucus layer interacts with high-speed airflow, droplets are expelled as aerosol; their concentration and size distribution may each play an important role in disease transmission. Our goal is to reduce the aerosolizability of respiratory secretions while interfering only minimally with normal mucus clearance using agents capable of increasing crosslinking in the mucin glycoprotein network. Methods We exposed mucus simulants (MS) to airflow in a simulated cough machine (SCM). The MS ranged from non-viscous, non-elastic substances (water) to MS of varying degrees of viscosity and elasticity. Mucociliary clearance of the MS was assessed on the frog palate, elasticity in the Filancemeter and the aerosol pattern in a "bulls-eye" target. The sample loaded was weighed before and after each cough maneuver. We tested two mucomodulators: sodium tetraborate (XL"B") and calcium chloride (XL "C"). Results Mucociliary transport was close to normal speed in viscoelastic samples compared to non-elastic, non-viscous or viscous-only samples. Spinnability ranged from 2.5 ± 0.6 to 50.9 ± 6.9 cm, and the amount of MS expelled from the SCM increased from 47 % to 96 % adding 1.5 μL to 150 μL of XL "B". Concurrently, particles were inversely reduced to almost disappear from the aerosolization pattern. Conclusion The aerosolizability of MS was modified by increasing its cohesivity, thereby reducing the number of particles expelled from the SCM while interfering minimally with its clearance on the frog palate. An unexpected finding is that MS crosslinking increased "expectoration".
机译:背景技术当被感染的人在咳嗽或打喷嚏时将病原微生物排到周围环境时,传染性呼吸道疾病会传播给未感染的对象。当气道粘液层与高速气流相互作用时,液滴会以气溶胶形式排出。它们的浓度和大小分布可能各自在疾病传播中起重要作用。我们的目标是减少呼吸道分泌物的雾化能力,同时使用能够增加粘蛋白糖蛋白网络中交联度的试剂,对正常的粘液清除仅产生最小的干扰。方法我们在模拟咳嗽机(SCM)中将粘液模拟物(MS)暴露在气流中。 MS的范围从无粘性,非弹性的物质(水)到粘度和弹性不同的MS。通过蛙pa,Filance计的弹性和“靶眼”目标的气溶胶模式评估MS的粘膜纤毛清除率。每次咳嗽前后都要称重装载的样品。我们测试了两种粘蛋白调节剂:四硼酸钠(XL“ B”)和氯化钙(XL“ C”)。结果与非弹性,非粘性或仅粘性样本相比,粘弹性样本的粘膜纤毛运输接近正常速度。可纺性范围从2.5±0.6到50.9±6.9 cm,从SCM排出的MS量从47%增加到96%,添加1.5μL至150μLXL“ B”。同时,颗粒被反向还原以几乎从雾化图案中消失。结论MS的可雾化性通过提高其内聚力而得到改善,从而减少了从SCM排出的颗粒数量,同时对蛙clearance的清除影响最小。一个出乎意料的发现是MS交联增加了“指数”。



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