首页> 外文期刊>BMC Genetics >Differences in fine-scale spatial genetic structure across the distribution range of the distylous forest herb Pulmonaria officinalis (Boraginaceae)

Differences in fine-scale spatial genetic structure across the distribution range of the distylous forest herb Pulmonaria officinalis (Boraginaceae)

机译:阔叶林药草(Bulginaria officinalis(Boraginaceae))分布范围内精细尺度空间遗传结构的差异



Background Geographical ranges of plants and their pollinators do not always entirely overlap and it has been suggested that the absence of specialized pollinators at range margins may induce changes in mating systems. Because a species’ mating system is known to have a considerable effect on within-population pollen movement, the extent of fine-scale spatial genetic structure (SGS) can be expected to differ between populations located at different parts of their geographical range. To test this prediction, we compared the fine-scale SGS between two core and two disjunct populations of the distylous forest herb Pulmonaria officinalis. Because in disjunct populations of this species the heteromorphic self-incompatibility system showed relaxation in the long-styled morph, but not in the short-styled morph, we also hypothesized that the extent of fine-scale SGS and clustering differed between morphs. Results Spatial autocorrelation analyses showed a significant decrease in genetic relatedness with spatial distance for both core and disjunct populations with the weakest SGS found in one of the core populations (Sp?=?0.0014). No evidence of stronger SGS in the long-styled morph was found in the center of the range whereas one disjunct population showed a significantly (P?=?0.029) higher SGS in the long-styled morph (SpL?=?0.0070) than in the short-styled morph (SpS?=?0.0044). Conclusions Consistent with previous analyses on distylous plant species, we found weak, but significant spatial genetic structure. However, the extent of SGS varied substantially between populations within regions, suggesting that population characteristics other than mating system (e.g. local pollinator assemblages, population history) may be as important in determining variation in SGS.
机译:背景技术植物及其传粉媒介的地理范围并不总是完全重叠,并且有人建议,在范围边缘缺少专门的传粉媒介可能会导致交配系统发生变化。由于已知物种的交配系统会对种群内的花粉运动产生重大影响,因此,预计位于其地理范围不同部分的种群之间的精细尺度空间遗传结构(SGS)的程度也会有所不同。为了检验这一预测,我们比较了雾状森林药草肺吸虫的两个核心种群和两个分离种群之间的精细SGS。因为在该物种的离散种群中,异型自我不相容系统在长型变体中显示出松弛,而在短型变体中则没有,因此,我们还假设精细尺度SGS和聚类的程度在变体之间有所不同。结果空间自相关分析表明,核心和分离种群的遗传相关性随空间距离显着降低,其中一个核心种群的SGS最弱(Sp = 0.0014)。在该范围的中心没有发现长型变体中更强的SGS的证据,而一个分离种群显示长型变体(Sp L ?=?0.0070),而不是短样式(Sp S ?=?0.0044)。结论与先前对豆科植物物种的分析一致,我们发现其空间遗传结构较弱,但结构明显。但是,SGS的程度在区域内的不同种群之间存在很大差异,这表明除交配系统外的种群特征(例如本地授粉媒介组合,种群历史)可能对确定SGS的变异同样重要。



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