首页> 外文期刊>Scandinavian journal of Work, Environment & Health >Job strain in relation to ambulatory blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rate variability among female nurses.

Job strain in relation to ambulatory blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rate variability among female nurses.


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OBJECTIVE: This study examined the effects of exposure to job strain on independent predictors of cardiovascular disease (ambulatory blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rate variability). METHODS: The participants comprised a homogeneous group of 159 healthy female nurses [mean age 35.9 (SD 8.5) years]. The choice of this population minimized variance attributable to gender, socioeconomic status, and work characteristics. Job demands, decision latitude, and social support were measured with the Karasek job content questionnaire, which was administered twice with an average interval of 12.2 months. The nurses' scores for job demands and decision latitude on both occasions were used to define their job-strain category. Ambulatory blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rate variability were assessed on a workday and a day of leisure. RESULTS: No effect on the ambulatory levels of blood pressure, heart rate, or heart rate variability was found for job strain by itself or in interaction with social support. In addition, job strain was not associated with differences in short-term or long-term physiological recovery during sleep after a workday or a day of leisure. High job demand was associated with higher systolic blood pressure at work and with higher diastolic blood pressure at work, but the latter association was found only when decision latitude was concurrently high, rather than low. CONCLUSIONS: High job strain among young female nurses is not associated with an unfavorable ambulatory cardiovascular profile. The robust effect of job strain on male health appears to be less apparent for women.
机译:目的:本研究研究了工作压力暴露对心血管疾病(动态血压,心率和心率变异性)的独立预测因素的影响。方法:参与者包括159名健康女护士,平均年龄[平均年龄35.9(SD 8.5)岁]。该人群的选择最大程度地减少了归因于性别,社会经济地位和工作特征的差异。工作需求,决策自由度和社会支持通过Karasek工作内容调查表进行测量,该调查表进行了两次,平均间隔为12.2个月。两次使用护士的求职分数和决策自由度来定义他们的工作压力类别。在工作日和休闲日评估动态血压,心率和心率变异性。结果:对于工作压力本身或与社会支持的互动,未发现对动态血压,心率或心率变异性的影响。此外,工作压力与工作日或休闲日后睡眠期间短期或长期生理恢复的差异无关。工作需求高与工作中的收缩压高和工作中的舒张压高有关,但是只有当决策纬度同时高而不是低时才发现后者。结论:年轻女护士的高工作压力与不良的门诊心血管状况无关。对于女性而言,工作压力对男性健康的强大影响似乎不太明显。



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