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1968: Results and Prospects— Introduction to Critique Issue on 1968


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1968 occurred at a nodal point in the political economy of postwar capitalism. The old forces controlling and disciplining the workforce and the economy were less and less effective. The younger generation rejected the authority of Stalinism and social democracy, being less scarred by fascism, the depression and the Second World War. They openly turned against both capitalism and Stalinism. Their aims—to achieve a genuine socialist society—were clear but their means of getting there were not. The revolutionaries of 1968 were not able to achieve common ground between those from Stalinist countries and those from the West, in large part because neither had a sufficient understanding of Stalinism itself, let alone capitalism. Because of the strength of Stalinism, there was never any hope of overthrowing capitalism in France or Stalinism in Czechoslovakia, but 1968 changed the course of history nonetheless. The change of the strategy of capital towards finance capital is an indirect tribute to 1968 and its sequel in the 1970s.
机译:1968年发生在战后资本主义政治经济的转折点。控制和约束劳动力和经济的老派力量越来越少。年轻一代拒绝斯大林主义和社会民主主义的权威,对法西斯主义,萧条和第二次世界大战的恐惧较少。他们公开反对资本主义和斯大林主义。他们的目标-建立一个真正的社会主义社会-很明确,但是他们实现目标的手段却不明确。 1968年的革命者无法在斯大林主义国家的革命者与西方国家的革命者之间取得共识,这在很大程度上是因为他们对斯大林主义本身没有足够的了解,更不用说资本主义了。由于斯大林主义的力量,从没有任何希望推翻法国的资本主义或推翻捷克斯洛伐克的斯大林主义的希望,但是1968年改变了历史。资本战略向金融资本的转变是对1968年及其1970年代的后继成果的间接贡献。



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