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Connected concierge


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Welcome to the first installment of "The Connected Concierge." Like any good concierge, this column is here to help. We will bring to bear our knowledge and that of outside experts to help solve problems for our readers. We also welcome short vignettes on how readers have found effective ways around issues ranging from networking a PC with, say, a lawn mower (as in controlling it remotely) to what to do if you find yourself on the road without dress shoes at midnight when you have an important business meeting at 7:30 in the morning. (Answer: Find a nearby golf course, which naturally opens at dawn, buy a pair of golf shoes, and have the locker attendant remove the cleats and shine 'em up.)
机译:欢迎来到“互联门房”的第一期。像任何礼宾服务员一样,本专栏为您提供帮助。我们将利用我们的知识以及外部专家的知识来帮助读者解决问题。我们也欢迎读者就如何找到有效方法解决简短的短片,这些问题包括从将PC与割草机联网(例如远程控制)到在午夜时分穿衣服不穿衣服该怎么办的问题。您早上7:30召开重要的商务会议。 (答案:找到附近的高尔夫球场,该高尔夫球场自然会在黎明时分开放,买一双高尔夫球鞋,然后让储物柜服务员移开防滑钉,使它们发光起来。)



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