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How to deal with online consumer comments during a crisis? The impact of personalized organizational responses on organizational reputation


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Social media enable organizations in crisis to communicate regularly about crisis events to the public. Furthermore, consumers have the opportunity to respond to the organization's posts about the crisis. Little is known, however, about how organizations should deal with online consumer comments to such posts. Therefore, the current study examines how organizations in crisis best deal with positive and negative consumer comments to an organizational crisis-related post. A 2 (tone of voice organizational response: personalized versus corporate) x 2 (consumer comment valence: positive versus negative) between-subjects experimental design (N = 264) was used to examine if a personalized organizational response to consumer comments is advisable to protect organizational reputation, and whether or not the desirability of it depends on the valence of these comments. Results show that a personalized organizational response to a consumer comment on an organizational crisis message post beneficially affects organizational reputation through higher perceptions of conversational human voice (CHV) and sequentially lower consumer skepticism. However, the effect of response personalization is not unanimously positive. When consumer comments are positive, a personalized organizational response damages organizational reputation due to increased consumer skepticism. The positive effect of a personalized response on organizational reputation through CHV disappeared when responding to positive consumer comments. When consumer reactions are negative, however, personalizing the organizational response is beneficial for organizational reputation due to increased perceptions of CHV. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:社交媒体使处于危机中的组织能够定期向公众传达有关危机事件的信息。此外,消费者有机会对组织有关危机的帖子做出回应。但是,对于组织如何处理此类帖子的在线消费者评论知之甚少。因此,本研究调查了处于危机中的组织如何最好地处理对组织危机相关职位的正面和负面消费者评论。受试者之间的实验设计(N = 264)为2(语音组织回应的基调:个性化与公司性)x 2(消费者评论价:正面与负面),以检查针对消费者评论的个性化组织回应是否建议保护组织声誉以及是否需要声誉取决于这些评论的有效程度。结果表明,通过对会话性人类语音(CHV)的更高理解和对消费者的怀疑程度逐渐降低,对消费者对组织危机消息发布的评论进行个性化的组织响应会对组织声誉产生有益影响。但是,响应个性化的效果并非一致。当消费者的评论是肯定的时,个性化的组织响应会因消费者的怀疑度增加而损害组织的声誉。在回应积极的消费者评论时,个性化响应通过CHV对组织声誉的积极影响消失了。但是,当消费者的反应是负面的时,由于对CHV的认知增加,个性化组织响应对组织声誉是有益的。 (C)2017 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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