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Interactive example-palettes for discrete element texture synthesis


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Textures composed of individual discrete elements are found in everything from human-made glasstilings to forests and tropical coral. We propose an interactive sketch-based system for synthesizing scenes consisting of many discrete element textures. We have implemented an example-palette, a design window where a user can use our sketch-based tools to create discrete element textures and then paint those textures into a scene or back into the example-palette to create new textures. Our interactive sketch-based tools use a new and fast region-growing algorithm that iteratively synthesizes new elements around previously synthesized elements. To support discrete element textures with different scales in the same output, we parameterize our region-growing algorithm on a per-element basis. Our method is capable of synthesizing structured and stochastic example discrete element textures. We explore applications of our system for building virtual worlds (such as for video games) and for sketch-based modeling. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:从人造玻璃瓦片到森林和热带珊瑚,从各个离散元素组成的纹理都可以找到。我们提出了一种基于草图的交互式系统,用于合成由许多离散元素纹理组成的场景。我们已经实现了一个样例调色板,一个设计窗口,用户可以在其中使用基于草图的工具来创建离散的元素纹理,然后将这些纹理绘制到场景中或返回到样例调色板中以创建新的纹理。我们基于交互式草图的工具使用一种新的快速区域增长算法,该算法可迭代地围绕先前合成的元素合成新元素。为了在同一输出中支持具有不同比例的离散元素纹理,我们在每个元素的基础上对区域增长算法进行参数化。我们的方法能够合成结构化和随机示例离散元素纹理。我们探索系统在构建虚拟世界(例如视频游戏)和基于草图的建模中的应用。 (C)2018 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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