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XML-GL: a graphical language for querying and restructuring XML documents


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The growing acceptance of XML as a standard for send-structured documents on the Web opens up challenging opportunities for Web query languages. In this paper we introduce XML-GL, a graphical query language for XML documents. The use of a visual formalism for representing both the content of XML documents (and of their DTDs) and the syntax and semantics of queries enables an intuitive expression of queries, even when they are rather complex. XML-GL is inspired by G-log, a general purpose, logic-based language for querying structured and send-structured data. The paper presents the basic capabilities of XML-GL through a sequence of examples of increasing complexity.
机译:XML作为Web上发送结构文档标准的接受度越来越高,这为Web查询语言带来了挑战性的机遇。在本文中,我们介绍XML-GL,这是一种用于XML文档的图形查询语言。使用视觉形式主义来表示XML文档(及其DTD的内容)以及查询的语法和语义都可以实现查询的直观表达,即使它们相当复杂。 XML-GL受G-log(一种通用的基于逻辑的语言,用于查询结构化和发送结构化数据)的启发。本文通过一系列复杂性不断提高的示例介绍了XML-GL的基本功能。



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