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Web content adaptation to improve server overload behavior


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This paper presents a study of Web content adaptation to improve server overload performance, as well as an implementation of a Web content adaptation software prototype. When the request rate on a Web server increases beyond server capacity, the server becomes overloaded and unresponsive. The TCP listen queue of the server's socket overflows exhibiting a drop-tail behavior. As a result, clients experience service outages. Since clients typically issue multiple requests over the duration of a session with the server, and since requests are dropped indiscriminately, all clients connecting to the server at overload are likely to experience connection failures, even though there may be enough capacity on the server to deliver all responses properly for a subset of clients. In this paper, we propose to resolve the overload problem by adapting delivered content to load conditions to alleviate overload. The premise is that successful delivery of a less resource intensive content under overload is more desirable to clients than connection rejection or failures. The paper suggests the feasibility of content adaptation from three different viewpoints; (a) potential for automating content adaptation with minimal involvement of the content provider, (b) ability to achieve sufficient savings in resource requirements by adapting present-day Web content while preserving adequate information, and (c) feasibility to apply content adaptation technology on the Web with no modification to existing Web servers, browsers or the HTTP protocol.
机译:本文介绍了一种用于提高服务器过载性能的Web内容适配的研究,以及Web内容适配软件原型的实现。当Web服务器上的请求速率增加到服务器容量之外时,服务器将变得过载且无响应。服务器套接字的TCP侦听队列溢出,表现出拖尾行为。结果,客户会遇到服务中断的情况。由于客户端通常会在与服务器的会话过程中发出多个请求,并且由于请求会被不加选择地丢弃,因此即使服务器上可能有足够的容量来交付,所有过载连接到服务器的客户端都可能会遇到连接故障所有响应都针对一部分客户。在本文中,我们建议通过使交付的内容适应负载条件以减轻过载来解决过载问题。前提是,与连接拒绝或失败相比,客户端更希望在过载下成功交付资源占用较少的内容。本文从三个不同的角度提出了内容自适应的可行性。 (a)在内容提供商不参与的情况下自动进行内容修改的潜力;(b)通过在适应当今Web内容的同时保留足够的信息的同时,充分节省资源需求的能力;以及(c)在无需修改现有Web服务器,浏览器或HTTP协议的Web。



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