首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications >Near real-time CSG rendering using tree normalization and geometric pruning

Near real-time CSG rendering using tree normalization and geometric pruning


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A description is given of a set of algorithms for efficiently rendering an object defined by constructive solid geometry (CSG) directly onto a frame buffer without converting first to a boundary representation. This method requires only that the frame buffer contain sufficient memory to hold two color values, two depth values, and three one-bit flags. The algorithm first converts the CSG tree to a normalized form that is analogous to the sum-of-products form for Boolean switching functions. The following are developed: dynamic interleaving of Boolean tree normalization with bounding-box pruning, allowing efficient rendering for most CSG objects; a method for extending the technique to nonconvex primitives; and implementation of these ideas in an interactive CSG design system on the Pixel-planes 4 solid modeling system. In the design system the designer directly manipulates the CSG structure while continuously viewing the color rendering of the object being designed.
机译:给出了一组算法的描述,这些算法用于将由构造实体几何(CSG)定义的对象直接直接渲染到帧缓冲区上,而无需先转换为边界表示。此方法仅要求帧缓冲区包含足够的内存以容纳两个颜色值,两个深度值和三个一位标志。该算法首先将CSG树转换为归一化形式,该形式类似于布尔交换函数的乘积和形式。开发了以下内容:布尔树归一化与边界框修剪的动态交织,允许对大多数CSG对象进行有效渲染;一种将技术扩展到非凸基元的方法;这些想法在Pixel-planes 4实体建模系统上的交互式CSG设计系统中的实现。在设计系统中,设计人员在连续查看要设计的对象的彩色渲染的同时,直接操纵CSG结构。



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