首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications >JHAVE: supporting algorithm visualization

JHAVE: supporting algorithm visualization


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JHAVE fosters the use of algorithm visualization as an effective pedagogical tool for computer science educators, helping students to better understand algorithms. The Java-hosted algorithm visualization environment (JHAVE) is not an AV system itself but rather a support environment for a variety of AV systems (called AV engines by JHAVE). In broad terms, JHAVE gives such an engine a drawing context on which it can render its pictures in any way. In return, JHAVE provides the engine with effortless ways to synchronize its graphical displays with i) a standard set of VCR-like controls, ii) information and pseudocode windows, iii) input generators, iv) stop-and-think questions, and v) meaningful content generation tools.
机译:JHAVE鼓励将算法可视化作为计算机科学教育者的有效教学工具,帮助学生更好地理解算法。 Java托管的算法可视化环境(JHAVE)本身不是AV系统,而是各种AV系统(称为JHAVE的AV引擎)的支持环境。概括地说,JHAVE为此类引擎提供了一个绘图上下文,在该上下文中它可以以任何方式呈现其图片。作为回报,JHAVE为引擎提供了轻松的方式来将其图形显示与以下各项进行同步:i)一组类似VCR的标准控件; ii)信息和伪代码窗口; iii)输入生成器; iv)停止和思考问题;以及v )有意义的内容生成工具。



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