首页> 外文期刊>Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE >MediaTable: Interactive Categorization of Multimedia Collections

MediaTable: Interactive Categorization of Multimedia Collections


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Many multimedia collections include only metadata such as date created and file size and remain largely unannotated. So, browsing them is cumbersome. Automatic content-analysis techniques yield metadata in the form of high-level content-based descriptors. However, these techniques' accuracy is insufficient to automate collection categorization. A human is essential to validate and organize automated techniques' results. MediaTable helps users efficiently categorize an image or video collection. A tabular interface gives an overview of multimedia items and associated metadata, and a bucket list lets users quickly categorize materials. MediaTable uses familiar interface techniques for sorting, filtering, selection, and visualization. Evaluations with expert and nonexpert users indicate that MediaTable supports efficient categorization and provides valuable insight into the collection.
机译:许多多媒体馆藏仅包含元数据(例如创建日期和文件大小),并且在很大程度上未加注释。因此,浏览它们很麻烦。自动内容分析技术以基于内容的高级描述符的形式生成元数据。但是,这些技术的准确性不足以使馆藏分类自动化。人员对于验证和组织自动化技术的结果至关重要。 MediaTable可帮助用户有效地对图像或视频集合进行分类。表格界面提供了多媒体项目和相关元数据的概述,并且存储桶列表使用户可以快速对材料进行分类。 MediaTable使用熟悉的界面技术进行排序,过滤,选择和可视化。对专家和非专家用户的评估表明,MediaTable支持有效的分类并提供对馆藏的宝贵见解。



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