首页> 外文期刊>Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE >Newdle: Interactive Visual Exploration of Large Online News Collections

Newdle: Interactive Visual Exploration of Large Online News Collections


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Newdle is a visual-analytics system for exploring tagged online news collections. Newdle automatically constructs an article network and article-tag network for a collection and conducts clustering and path analyses on them. Using the analysis results, the system builds visualizations and supports user interaction with the networks. A topic overview lets users grasp a large collection's contents at a glance. It intuitively displays significant article clusters' semantics and temporal features in the collection. Users can also conduct in-depth analyses on topics, tags, and articles. A working prototype of Newdle uses New York Times RSS feeds as its example data input. Case studies with this prototype illustrate Newdle's effectiveness and efficiency.
机译:Newdle是一种视觉分析系统,用于浏览标记的在线新闻集。 Newdle会自动构建用于收藏的商品网络和商品标签网络,并对它们进行聚类和路径分析。使用分析结果,系统可以建立可视化并支持用户与网络的交互。主题概述使用户可以一目了然地掌握大型馆藏的内容。它直观地显示馆藏中重要文章集群的语义和时间特征。用户还可以对主题,标签和文章进行深入分析。 Newdle的工作原型使用“纽约时报” RSS feed作为示例数据输入。此原型的案例研究说明了Newdle的有效性和效率。



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