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The Mixing Time Evolution of Glauber Dynamics for the Mean-Field Ising Model


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We consider Glauber dynamics for the Ising model on the complete graph on n vertices, known as the Curie-Weiss model. It is well-known that the mixing-time in the high temperature regime (β 1 is exponential in n. Recently, Levin, Luczak and Peres proved that for any fixed β < 1 there is cutoff at time with a window of order n, whereas the mixing-time at the critical temperature β = 1 is Θ(n 3/2). It is natural to ask how the mixing-time transitions from Θ(n log n) to Θ(n 3/2) and finally to exp (Θ(n)). That is, how does the mixing-time behave when β = β(n) is allowed to tend to 1 as n → ∞. In this work, we obtain a complete characterization of the mixing-time of the dynamics as a function of the temperature, as it approaches its critical point β c = 1. In particular, we find a scaling window of order around the critical temperature. In the high temperature regime, β = 1 − δ for some 0 < δ 0 with δ 2 n → ∞ and δ = o(1), there is no cutoff, and the mixing time has order . Communicated by H. Spohn
机译:我们在n个顶点的完整图上考虑了Ising模型的Glauber动力学,这就是居里·魏斯模型。众所周知,高温状态下的混合时间(β1在n中是指数级的。最近,Levin,Luczak和Peres证明,对于任何固定的β<1,在某个时间窗都有n阶的截止,而临界温度β= 1时的混合时间为Θ(n 3/2 )。自然而然地要问混合时间如何从Θ(n log n)过渡到Θ(n 3/2 ),最后达到exp(Θ(n)),即当n =∞时,允许β=β(n)趋于1时,混合时间的行为如何。在这项工作中,当温度接近临界点β c = 1时,我们获得了动力学混合时间随温度变化的完整表征。特别是,我们找到了一个缩放窗口在高温状态下,对于某些0 <δ0且β 2 n→∞和δ= o(1),β= 1-δ,没有截止值,并且混合时间是有序的。



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