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Highlights of wet processing machinery - Ⅻ


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Parts Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ and Ⅺin this series on ITMA'99 Paris, published in the previous eleven issues of COLOURAGE, have dealt with machines for preparatory processing & bleaching, batchwise dyeing, continuous dyeing, printing, finishing stenters, shrinking machines, relaxation shrinking machines & decatising machines, shearing machines & singeing machines, raising machines & brushing machines, emerizing machines and coating machines for woven fabrics. Part XII deals with calendering machines simply called as calenders. These machines have a long history as fabric finishing machines, having heavy rollers or bowls mounted vertically on a robust frame to give gloss and softness to textiles through contact pressure and temperature. Now there are different categories of calenders developed for specific uses—the traditional but impro ved bowl calenders and felt calenders as well as the recent laminating calenders and sublimating calenders.
机译:在上一期的《色彩》(COLOURAGE)上十一期中出版的ITMA'99巴黎展览上的该系列的第一部分ⅡⅢⅣⅤⅤⅥ部分已经处理了制备加工和漂白,间歇式染色,连续染色,印刷,整理机的机器。 ,收缩机,松弛收缩机和脱毛机,剪切机和烧毛机,起毛机和刷毛机,发芽机和机织涂层机。第十二部分涉及压延机,简称为压延机。这些机器作为织物整理机具有悠久的历史,其重型滚筒或滚筒垂直安装在坚固的机架上,可通过接触压力和温度赋予纺织品光泽和柔软度。现在有针对特定用途开发的不同类别的压光机-传统但改进的碗式压光机和毡式压光机,以及最近的层压压光机和升华压光机。



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