首页> 外文期刊>Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy >Clean Cookstoves for a Billion Cooks: Designing Diverse Laws to Solve a Worldwide Problem

Clean Cookstoves for a Billion Cooks: Designing Diverse Laws to Solve a Worldwide Problem


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Roughly half the world's people use solid biomass fuel for cooking and heating. Most cook over open fires or with stoves that burn the fuel incompletely. Nearly two million people, mostly women and children, die prematurely from inhaling the smoke and particulates. Millions of others are sickened or disabled from chronic or acute disease or disfiguring burns. The cookstoves problem also has other serious consequences. The search for fuel obliges women and children to spend much of their time gathering fuel, often in dangerous places, and strains the incomes of poor families. The burning of wood and other biomass also exacerbates problems of deforestation and produces black carbon, a pollutant associated with climate change. Many policies are being developed to address the cookstoves problem, and each will need laws to guide their implementation. The problem's vast scope raises the question: how can one draft effective laws to meet a challenge of this scale? The cookstoves problem poses one example of a more general challenge: even where a problem appears similar in many places, the behavior that creates the problem may differ from place to place. To address the problem effectively, different places may need different laws. In addition, the rule of law demands transparency. Justifying a law's legitimacy requires showing that the law's requirements reflect rational, rather than arbitrary, decision-making. This Article presents a theory and methodology for designing and justifying effective laws. The theory posits that laws solve problems only by changing patterns of behavior. Designing an effective law, and justifying it rationally, requires identifying those patterns of behavior, responding to their causes, and showing the relationship between the reasons for the behavior and the requirements of the proposed law. The methodology offers a four-step checklist of evidence-based questions to guide a drafting team in designing and justifying an effective law: 1. STEP 1: PROBLEM Define the problem: both its harmful symptoms and the underlying behavior. 2. STEP 2: EXPLANATIONS Identify the reasons for the behavior. The following categories suggest reasons that laws can address: 2.1 Intentions 2.1.1 Reason 1: practicality (weighing burdens versus benefits) 2.1.2 Reason 2: principles (ideas, values, goals, organizational mission) 2.2 Freedom and Limitations 2.2.1 Reason 3: freedom of action 2.2.2 Reason 4: limited capacity (physical, intellectual, time, etc.) 2.3 Rules 2.3.1 Reason 5: laws on the books 2.3.2 Reason 6: laws as understood (or not) 2.4 The Decision-Making Process 2.4.1 Reason 7 for groups: how a group reaches a meeting of the minds (procedurally) 2.4.2 Reason 7 for individuals: how individuals make up their minds (subconsciously) 3. STEP 3: SOLUTION AND JUSTIFICATION Design a law that responds to the reasons for the behavior. Justify the law by showing the connection between those reasons and the law's requirements. 4. STEP 4: MONITORING AND EVALUATION Provide for monitoring and evaluation of the law's effects. The theory and methodology address behavior: the element that the cookstoves problem shares with all social problems. While the answers may differ from place to place, the checklist's questions about behavior apply universally.
机译:世界上大约有一半的人使用固体生物质燃料做饭和取暖。大多数人在明火或带有不完全燃烧燃料的炉子上做饭。吸入烟尘和微粒导致近200万人过早死亡,其中大多数是妇女和儿童。数以百万计的人因慢性或急性疾病或烧伤而生病或残疾。炉灶问题还具有其他严重后果。对燃料的搜寻迫使妇女和儿童花费大量时间,通常是在危险的地方收集燃料,这使贫困家庭的收入紧张。木材和其他生物质的燃烧也加剧了森林砍伐的问题,并产生了黑碳(一种与气候变化有关的污染物)。正在开发许多解决炊具问题的政策,每项政策都将需要法律来指导其实施。问题的广泛范围提出了一个问题:如何起草有效的法律来应对这一规模的挑战?炊具问题提出了一个更普遍的挑战的例子:即使问题在许多地方看起来都相似,但造成问题的行为可能因地而异。为了有效解决问题,不同的地方可能需要不同的法律。此外,法治要求透明。证明法律的合法性需要证明法律的要求反映了理性而不是武断的决策。本文介绍了设计和证明有效法律的理论和方法。该理论认为,法律只能通过改变行为方式来解决问题。设计有效的法律并合理地说明其合理性,要求确定那些行为方式,对行为的原因做出响应,并说明行为原因与拟议法律要求之间的关系。该方法论提供了四个步骤的循证问题清单,以指导起草小组设计和证明有效的法律:1.步骤1:问题定义问题:包括其有害症状和潜在行为。 2.第2步:说明确定行为的原因。以下类别提出了法律可以解决的原因:2.1意图2.1.1原因1:实用性(权衡利弊)2.1.2原因2:原则(思想,价值观,目标,组织使命)2.2自由与局限2.2.1原因3:行动自由2.2.2原因4:能力有限(身体,智力,时间等)2.3规则2.3.1原因5:法律法规2.3.2原因6:法律了解(或不了解)2.4决策过程2.4.1小组的理由7:一个小组如何(在程序上)达成一致意见2.4.2个体的理由7:个人如何(在下意识上)下定决心3.步骤3:解决方案和公正性设计响应行为原因的法律。通过显示这些原因与法律要求之间的联系为法律辩护。 4.步骤4:监测和评估提供对法律效力的监测和评估。理论和方法论解决行为:炊具问题与所有社会问题共有的要素。尽管各地的答案可能有所不同,但清单中有关行为的问题普遍适用。



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