首页> 外文期刊>Chinese Medical Journal >Outcome of 1355 consecutive transabdominal chorionic villus samplings in 1351 patients

Outcome of 1355 consecutive transabdominal chorionic villus samplings in 1351 patients


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Background The true risk of choronic villus sampling (CVS) is poorly defined. The objective of this study was to review the clinical outcome of transabdominal CVS performed in a university teaching unit, with an emphasis on the complication rate. Methods A comprehensive audit database was maintained for 1351 pregnant women, including 17 sets of twin pregnancies, who had a CVS. Details and outcome of all CVSs made in the unit between May 1996 and May 2004 were reviewed. All CVSs were performed by one of 5 operators using the identical techniques. Results All procedures were performed transabdominally. A total of 1355 CVSs were performed because there were 4 dichorionic twin pregnancies which required 2 punctures. The mean gestation at CVS was (11.8 ±0. 7) weeks, and 97.3% of the procedures were performed between 11 and 13 completed weeks. The majority (96.2%) required only 1 puncture to achieve correct needle placement. The procedure failed to obtain an adequate sample in 4 subjects (0. 30% ). A total of 1351 chromosomal studies were requested and there was 1 case (0. 07% ) of culture failure. The results of chromosomal studies were available within 14 days in 36. 7% of the cases and within 21 days in 94.0% . Overall, 77 chromosomal abnormalities (5.7%) and 5 cases of thalassemia major were detected. Pregnancy outcome was unknown in only 13 singleton subjects (0. 96% ). In the remaining 1355 fetuses, there were 76 pregnancy terminations (5.56%), 10 fetal losses with obvious obstetric causes (0. 73% ) , and 21 potentially procedure-related fetal losses (1. 54% ). In the last group, the majority had one or more co-existing obstetric complications. The background fetal loss rate for pregnancies -at similar gestational age in the unit was about 0. 8%. Therefore, the procedure-related fetal loss rate was estimated to be at the maximum of 0. 74%. Conclusions In experienced hands, first trimester transabdominal CVS is an accurate and safe invasive prenatal diagnostic procedure. It should be one of the treatment options available to pregnant women who require prenatal genetic diagnosis.
机译:背景慢性绒毛取样(CVS)的真正风险定义不清。这项研究的目的是审查在大学教学单元中进行的经腹CVS的临床结局,重点是并发症发生率。方法维护了1351名CVS孕妇的综合审计数据库,其中包括17套双胎妊娠。审查了1996年5月至2004年5月在该部门制造的所有CVS的细节和结果。所有CVS由5个操作员之一使用相同的技术执行。结果所有手术均通过腹部进行。共进行了1355例CVS,因为有4例穿破双胎的孕妇需要穿刺2次。 CVS的平均妊娠时间为(11.8±0. 7)周,其中97.3%的过程在11至13个完整的星期之间进行。大多数(96.2%)只需穿刺1次即可正确放置针头。该程序未能在4名受试者中获得足够的样本(0. 30%)。总共进行了1351次染色体研究,其中1例(0. 07%)培养失败。染色体研究的结果在36.7%的病例中可在14天内获得,在94.0%的病例中可在21天内获得。总体上,检测到77例染色体异常(5.7%)和5例重度地中海贫血。只有13个单身受试者(0. 96%)的妊娠结局未知。在剩余的1355例胎儿中,有76例终止妊娠(5.56%),有明显产科原因的10例胎儿丢失(0. 73%),以及21例与手术相关的潜在胎儿丢失(1. 54%)。在最后一组中,大多数合并了一种或多种并发的产科并发症。该单位在类似胎龄的妊娠本底胎儿流失率约为0. 8%。因此,与手术相关的胎儿流失率估计最高为0. 74%。结论在有经验的人手中,妊娠中期经腹CVS是一种准确,安全的侵入性产前诊断方法。它应该是需要产前基因诊断的孕妇的可用治疗选择之一。



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