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Structure and Strategies in Children’s Educational Television: The Roles of Program Type and Learning Strategies in Children’s Learning


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Educational TV has been consistently linked to children’s learning. In this research, educational TV characteristics were identified, coded, and tested for their influence on children’s program-specific comprehension and vocabulary outcomes. Study 1 details a content analysis of TV features including a program’s macrostructure (i.e., narrative or expository) and learning strategies embedded in the macrostructure that support learning in print-based contexts. In Study 2, regression analyses were used to predict outcomes involving 71 second and third graders (average age = 7.63 years). Strategies were categorized as organizing, rehearsing, elaborating, or affective in function. Outcomes were uniformly higher for narrative macrostructures. Strategies used in narratives predicted relatively homogenous relations across outcomes, whereas strategies in expositories predicted quite heterogeneous relations across outcomes.
机译:教育电视一直与儿童的学习联系在一起。在这项研究中,对教育性电视特征进行了识别,编码和测试,以评估其对儿童特定于节目的理解和词汇结果的影响。研究1详细介绍了电视功能的内容分析,包括节目的宏观结构(即叙述性或说明性)和嵌入在宏观结构中的学习策略,这些策略可支持在基于打印的上下文中进行学习。在研究2中,使用回归分析来预测涉及71位二年级和三年级学生的结果(平均年龄= 7.63岁)。策略分为功能性,排练性,精心设计或情感性。叙事宏观结构的结果一致更高。叙事中使用的策略预测结果之间的相对同质关系,而说明书中的策略则预测结果之间的异质关系。



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