
Ashby advances...


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I'll begin this piece about the Ashby Canal by talking about the Kennet & Avon. Why? Because I remember cruising the eastern end of the K&A by boat in the latter stages of restoration in the 1980s, and the brilliant thing about it was that, every time we explored it, there was a little more open: first we got from Reading to Tyle Mill, then to Ufton, then to Aldermaston and so on. It gave an impression of a restoration that was going somewhere - and must have earned support from many boaters who could see it progressingn and could hardly wait for it open through to Bristol. Sadly, few waterway restorations work that way. More often, I find myself trying to explain to the boating reader why it's perfectly right and for the best that they won't be cruising the Thames, Berks & Andover Canal for many years, because the canal society is concentrating on restoring an eight-mile length in the middle of nowhere first. (Before you reach for your Nicholson's guide, I'd better point out that's a fictional canal!).
机译:我将从谈论Kennet&Avon开始有关Ashby Canal的文章。为什么?因为我记得1980年代后期在乘船游览K&A的东端时,它的妙处在于,每次我们探索它时,都会有所开放:首先,我们从雷丁(Reading)到泰勒·米尔(Tyle Mill),然后去乌夫顿(Ufton),然后去阿尔德马斯顿(Aldermaston),依此类推。它给人以修复的印象,该修复将要进行到某个地方-并且一定获得了许多船夫的支持,这些船夫可以看到它的进展,并迫不及待地希望它向布里斯托尔开放。可悲的是,很少有航道修复可以这样工作。很多时候,我发现自己试图向划船的读者解释为什么这是完全正确的,并且最好的情况是,他们多年来不会巡游泰晤士河,伯克斯和安多佛运河,因为运河社会正致力于恢复八个一英里长的地方,无处可走。 (在获得Nicholson的指南之前,我最好指出那是一条虚构的运河!)。



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