
Staffs & Worcs Canal


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The Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal, to give it its full name, is one of the 'Golden Oldies' of our canal system - being opened for navigation as early as 1772, and one of the few canals that its engineer James Brindley lived to see complete. The south western link of his Grand Cross scheme to unite the rivers Trent, Mersey, Thames and Severn, it connected the Trent & Mersey Canal to the River Severn. The canal begins at Great Haywood and follows a course around the western edge of the Black Country to Stourport on the River Severn, a total of 46 miles. However, despite its proximity to the West Midlands it maintains a rural aspect for most of its length. It only meets built-up areas in Kidderminster and by the western suburbs of Wolverhampton at Compton.
机译:斯塔福德郡和伍斯特郡的运河全称是我们运河系统的“黄金怀旧之作”之一-最早于1772年开放供航海,而其工程师詹姆斯·布林德利(James Brindley)则为数不多。他的大十字勋章计划的西南链接,将特伦特河,默西河,泰晤士河和塞文河统一起来,将特伦特河和默西河运河连接到塞文河。运河始于大海伍德(Great Haywood),沿布莱克郡(Black Country)西端的一条路线到塞文河(River Severn)上的斯托波尔(Stourport),全长46英里。然而,尽管它靠近西米德兰兹郡,但在其大部分长度上都保持着乡村气息。它仅会遇到基德明斯特(Kidderminster)和康沃尔顿(Wolverhampton)西郊的沃尔夫汉普顿(Wolverhampton)西郊的建成区。



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