
Explaining Dissent on the Supreme Court of Canada


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From an international perspective, even within the common law world,nthere is no generally established norm regarding the propriety of dissentnon national high courts. On some courts ~such as the Privy Council innthe United Kingdom!, there is a well established practice that all deci-nsions are presented publicly as unanimous decisions of the whole court.nOn other courts ~such as the High Court of Australia!, the practice hasnbeen for each justice to write individually in all cases, making it difficultnto determine if there is a single common rule of law emerging from thencase; in such a situation, the concept of dissent becomes murky at best.nThe Supreme Court of Canada is situated somewhere between thesenextremes. “It generally follows what one might call the ‘American model,’nwhere unanimity is desirable but not required and where judges can, atntheir discretion, either sign on to the reasons of a colleague or write theirnown” ~McCormick, 2003: 90!. But while the practice on the Canadianncourt might be said to be more like the American than the Australian ornPrivy Council model, the proportion of publicly divided cases on thenSupreme Court of Canada has long hovered around 25 per cent, less thannhalf the rate of dissent observed on the Supreme Court of the UnitednStates during the past sixty years ~Songer, 2008!.
机译:从国际的角度来看,即使在普通法世界中,也没有普遍的关于异议国家高等法院是否适当的规范。在某些法院(例如英国的枢密院!)中,有一项公认的惯例,即所有决定均作为整个法院的一致决定公开提出。在其他法院(例如澳大利亚高等法院!)中,每个法官都没有在所有案件中单独写信的习惯,这使得很难确定案件中是否存在单一的共同法治;在这种情况下,异议的概念充其量变得晦暗。加拿大最高法院位于各极端之间。 “通常遵循一种可能被称为'美国模式'的方式,在这种情况下,需要一致但又不需要一致的地方,而法官可以凭自己的判断权选择同事的理由或写下自己的理由”(McCormick,2003:90!)。但是,虽然可以说加拿大法院的做法更像美国人,而不是澳大利亚的枢密院模式,但当时加拿大最高法院公开分庭审理的案件比例长期徘徊在25%左右,不到在加拿大最高法院所观察到的异议率的一半。在过去的60年中,美国最高法院〜宋格(Songer),2008年!


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    Donald R Songer, Department of Political Science, University of South Carolina,Gambrell Hall, Columbia, SC 29208, USA, dsonger@sc.eduJohn Szmer, Department of Political Science,University of North Carolina at Char-lotte, Fretwell 440, 9201 University City Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001, USA,jjszmer@uncc.eduSusan W Johnson, Department of Political Science, University of North Carolina atGreensboro, 233 Graham Building, Greensboro, NC 27402, USA, swjohnso@uncg.edu;

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