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Maybe the folks at eBay Inc.'s annual analyst conference in late 2001 were simply too dazzled by the Web marketplace's blockbuster financial results. Or maybe they had heard one too many dot-com platitudes to heed yet another one. Whatever the reason, when Chief Executive Margaret C. Whitman had the audacity to describe eBay as a "dynamic self-regulating economy," no one in the room even blinked. This overgrown flea market―an economy? From its humble origins as a trading post for Beanie Babies, eBay is indeed morphing into something entirely new―and a lot bigger than most people realize. This year, at least 30 million people will buy and sell well over $20 billion in merchandise―more than the gross domestic product of all but 70 of the world's countries. More than 150,000 entrepreneurs will earn a full-time living selling everything from diet pills and Kate Spade handbags to $30,000 BMWs and hulking industrial lathes. More automobiles, of all things, sell on eBay than even No. 1 U. S. dealer AutoNation. So what does this add up to? "This is a whole new way of doing business," says Whitman. "We're creating something that didn't exist before."
机译:也许在2001年底举行的eBay Inc.年度分析师会议上,人们对Web市场巨大的财务业绩过于眼花too乱。或者,也许他们听说过太多的互联网公司陈词滥调,以至于再也听不到。不管是什么原因,当首席执行官玛格丽特·惠特曼(Margaret C. Whitman)大胆地将eBay描述为“动态的自我调节型经济”时,屋子里没人眨眼。这个过度增长的跳蚤市场-经济吗? eBay最初是作为Beanie Babies的贸易站而成立的,但它的确起源于一种全新的事物,其规模远比大多数人意识到的要大。今年,至少有3000万人将买卖超过200亿美元的商品,比世界上除70个国家以外的所有国家的国内生产总值还多。超过15万名企业家将通过出售减肥药和Kate Spade手袋到30,000美元的宝马和笨重的工业车床等全职生活。总的来说,在eBay上销售的汽车甚至超过美国第一经销商AutoNation。那么,这加起来又是什么呢?惠特曼说:“这是一种全新的经商方式。” “我们正在创造一些以前不存在的东西。”



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