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How Sepp Blatter controls soccer

机译:Sepp Blatter如何控制足球

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It can be hard to find the perfect way to describe Joseph "Sepp" Blatter, the head of FIFA. The Daily Mail has called him a "smug, self-righteous Zurich gnome." The Guardian has called him "the most successful non-homicidal dictator of the past century." In April, at the annual meeting of FIFA's North and Central American representatives, Osiris Guzman, president of Dominican Republic soccer, goes in another direction, comparing Blatter to Jesus Christ, Nelson Mandela, and Winston Churchill. "Why is he different from these other men?" demands Guzman, whom FIFA banned from soccer for 30 days in a 2011 vote-buying scandal. For good measure, he adds Moses, Martin Luther King Jr., and Abraham Lincoln.
机译:很难找到描述FIFA负责人Joseph“ Sepp” Blatter的完美方法。 《每日邮报》称他为“自以为是的苏黎世侏儒”。卫报称他为“上个世纪最成功的非杀人独裁者”。 4月,在FIFA北美和中美洲代表的年会上,多米尼加共和国足球总统奥西里斯·古兹曼(Osiris Guzman)朝着另一个方向前进,将布拉特与耶稣基督,纳尔逊·曼德拉和温斯顿·丘吉尔进行了比较。 “他为什么和其他人不同?”要求古兹曼(Guzman)在2011年购票丑闻中被国际足联禁赛30天。从好的方面来说,他增加了摩西,小马丁·路德·金和亚伯拉罕·林肯。



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