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Will Bad Beef Taint Brazil's Meat Master?


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Not long ago, JBS SA was in the vanguard of Brazil's global ambitions, transforming itself into the world's largest meat producer by snagging overseas rivals in a decade-long, $20 billion acquisition spree. Now, just as Brazil is mired in recession and a seemingly endless corruption scandal, JBS is facing a crisis of its own. Authorities in Brazil said on March 17 they're investigating evidence that employees of JBS and at least 20 other companies bribed government officials to approve the sale of tainted meat. Federal police raided slaughterhouses and alleged some operators stuffed sausages with cardboard, used acid to mask the smell of spoiled steaks, or knowingly shipped salmonella-tainted cold cuts. In a statement, JBS says it "is not accused of selling tainted or rotten meat," nor have any actions been taken against JBS executives or managers.
机译:不久前,JBS SA站在巴西全球野心的前列,通过长达十年的耗资200亿美元的收购大潮与海外竞争对手并肩,将自己转变为全球最大的肉类生产商。现在,就像巴西陷入衰退和看似无休止的腐败丑闻一样,JBS也面临着自身的危机。巴西当局于3月17日表示,他们正在调查证据,证明JBS和至少20家其他公司的员工贿赂政府官员以批准出售受污染的肉类。联邦警察突袭了屠宰场,并称一些经营者用纸板塞满了香肠,用酸掩盖了变质牛排的味道,或故意运送沙门氏菌污染的冷盘。 JBS在一份声明中说,“没有被指控出售受污染或变质的肉”,也没有对JBS高管或经理采取任何行动。



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