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The Plight of the 737 Max 8

机译:737 Max 8的困境

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The skies had been, in aviation parlance, "severe clear" for Dennis Muilenburg since he took the helm at Boeing Co. four years ago. With air traffic increasing 6 percent annually, orders were booming, and revenue in 2018 topped $100 billion for the first time in the company's 102-year history. Competitor Airbus SE has been distracted with the humiliating commercial flop of its A380 flagship and a bribery scandal that's led to a huge management turnover. With Boeing's stock price tripling during his tenure, its market value soared above $200 billion, making it the largest U.S. industrial company. It's used the newfound clout to pursue acquisitions and ambitious projects such as a flying car.
机译:自从丹尼斯·穆伦堡(Dennis Muilenburg)四年前掌管波音公司以来,就航空业而言,天空一直“非常晴朗”。随着空中交通量每年增长6%,订单激增,2018年的收入在公司102年的历史中首次突破1000亿美元。竞争对手空中客车公司(Airbus SE)对其A380旗舰机的屈辱商业失败和贿赂丑闻分心,这导致了巨大的管理人员流失。在他任职期间,波音的股价翻了三倍,其市值飙升至2000亿美元以上,使其成为美国最大的工业公司。它利用新发现的影响力进行收购和雄心勃勃的项目,例如飞行汽车。



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