首页> 外文期刊>British Medical Journal >Treatment of obesity: need to focus on high risk abdominally obese patients

Treatment of obesity: need to focus on high risk abdominally obese patients


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A simple measurement such as waist circumference can indicate accumulation of abdominal fat.rnViscerally obese men are characterised by an atherogenic plasma lipoprotein profile.rnA triad of non-traditional markers for coronary heart disease found in viscerally obese middle aged men (hyperinsulinaemia, raised apolipoprotein B concentration, and small LDL particles) increases the risk of coronary heart disease 20-fold.rnFour out of five middle aged men with a waist measurement ≥90 cm and triglyceride concentrations ≥2 mmol/l are characterised by this triad.rnEven in the absence of hypercholesterolaemia, hyperglycaemia, or hypertension, obese patients could be at high risk of coronary heart disease if they have this "hypertriglyceridaemic waist" phenotype.
机译:腰围等简单测量可以表明腹部脂肪的蓄积。内脏肥胖的男性特征是动脉粥样硬化血浆脂蛋白分布。内脏肥胖的中年男性发现高脂血症是冠心病的非传统标志物(高胰岛素血症,载脂蛋白B升高)。浓度过高且LDL颗粒较小)会使冠心病的风险增加20倍.rn该三联征的特征是五名腰围≥90 cm且甘油三酸酯浓度≥2 mmol / l的中年男子中的四分之一。如果患有高胆固醇血症,高血糖症或高血压,则肥胖患者如果具有这种“高甘油三酯血症腰”表型,则可能具有冠心病的高风险。



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