首页> 外文期刊>Biorheology >Magnetic resonance microscopy determined velocity and hematocrit distributions in a Couette viscometer

Magnetic resonance microscopy determined velocity and hematocrit distributions in a Couette viscometer


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Magnetic resonance microscopy is used to non-invasively measure the radial velocity distribution in Couette flow of erythrocyte suspensions of varying aggregation behavior at a nominal shear rate of 2.20 s~(-1) in a 1 mm gap. Suspensions of red blood cells in albumin-saline, plasma and 1.48% Dextran added plasma at average hematocrits near 0.40 are studied, providing a range of aggregation ability. The spatial distribution of the red blood cell volume fraction, hematocrit, is calculated from the velocity distribution. The hematocrit profiles provide direct measure of the thickness of the aggregation and shear rate dependent red blood cell depletion at the Couette surfaces. At the nominal shear rate studied hematocrit distributions for the red blood cells in plasma show a depletion zone near the inner Couette wall but not the outer wall. The red blood cells in plasma with Dextran show cell depletion regions of approximately 100 μm at both the inner and outer Couette surfaces, with greater depletion at the inner wall, but approach the normal blood hematocrit distribution with a doubling of shear rate due to decreased aggregation. The material response of the blood is spatially dependent with the shear rate and the hematocrit distribution non-uniform across the gap.
机译:磁共振显微镜用于无创地测量在1 mm间隙中标称剪切速率为2.20 s〜(-1)时具有不同聚集行为的红细胞悬液在Couette流中的径向速度分布。研究了在平均血细胞比容接近0.40的白蛋白盐水,血浆和添加了1.48%右旋糖酐的血浆中的红细胞悬浮液,提供了一定范围的聚集能力。从速度分布中计算出红细胞体积分数血细胞比容的空间分布。血细胞比容曲线可直接测量Couette表面聚集的厚度和与剪切速率有关的红细胞消耗。在标称剪切速率下,血浆中红细胞的血细胞比容分布显示出内库埃特壁附近​​而不是外壁附近的耗尽区。带有右旋糖酐的血浆中的红细胞在库内特和内表面均显示约100μm的细胞耗竭区域,在内壁处耗竭更多,但由于聚集减少,血红细胞比容接近正常,剪切速率增加一倍。血液的物质响应在空间上取决于剪切速率和跨间隙的血细胞比容分布不均匀。



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