首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >Delving Deeper Into The Tumultuous Lives Of Galactic Dwarfs: Modeling Star Formation Histories

Delving Deeper Into The Tumultuous Lives Of Galactic Dwarfs: Modeling Star Formation Histories


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The paucity of observed dwarf galaxies in the Local Group relative to the abundance of predicted dark matter halos remains one of the greatest puzzles of the ACDM paradigm. Solving this puzzle now requires not only matching the numbers of objects but also understanding the details of their star formation histories. We present a summary of such histories derived from the HST data using the color-magnitude diagram fitting method. To reduce observational uncertainties, we condense the data into five cumulative parameters: the fractions of stellar mass formed in the last 1, 2, 5, and 10 Gyr, and the mean stellar age. We interpret the new data with a phenomenological model based on the mass assembly histories of dark matter halos and the Schmidt law of star formation. The model correctly predicts the radial distribution of the dwarfs and the fractions of stars formed in the last 5 and 10 Gyr. However, in order to be consistent with the observations, the model requires a significant amount of recent star formation in the last 2 Gyr. Within the framework of our model, this prolonged star formation can be achieved by adding a stochastic variation in the density threshold of the star formation law. The model results are not sensitive to late gas accretion, the slope of the Schmidt law, or the details of cosmic reionization. A few discrepancies still remain: our model typically predicts too large stellar masses, only a modest population of ultrafaint dwarfs, and a small number of dwarfs with anomalously young stellar populations. Nevertheless, the observed star formation histories of Local Group dwarfs are generally consistent the expected star formation in cold dark matter halos.
机译:相对于预测的暗物质光晕的丰富性,在本地群中观测到的矮星系稀少,这仍然是ACDM范式的最大难题之一。解决这个难题现在不仅需要匹配物体的数量,还需要了解其恒星形成历史的细节。我们提供了使用色度图拟合方法从HST数据得出的此类历史的摘要。为了减少观测的不确定性,我们将数据压缩为五个累积参数:在最后1、2、5和10 Gyr中形成的恒星质量分数,以及平均恒星年龄。我们使用基于暗物质晕的质量装配历史和恒星形成的施密特定律的现象学模型来解释新数据。该模型可以正确预测矮星的径向分布以及在最近的5和10 Gyr中形成的恒星的分数。但是,为了与观测结果一致,该模型要求在最近的2个Gyr中大量近期的恒星形成。在我们模型的框架内,可以通过在恒星形成定律的密度阈值中添加随机变化来实现这种延长的恒星形成。模型结果对后期积气,施密特定律的斜率或宇宙电离的细节都不敏感。仍然存在一些差异:我们的模型通常预测太大的恒星质量,只有适度的超微弱矮星种群,以及少数具有异常年轻恒星种群的矮星。然而,观测到的局部群矮星的恒星形成历史通常与冷暗物质晕中的预期恒星形成一致。



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